精華區beta Chelsea 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://sport.independent.co.uk/football/chelsea/story.jsp?story=619199 老大將成為流行時尚的指標, 難怪歐洲的美國運通要找老大代言 最有名當然是他的灰大衣XD (選錄) Dugout dressing It is an iconic image. Mourinho's slight frame draped in his lucky grey Armani wool coat; his gloved hands never leaving the warmth of the lined pockets except to remonstrate with an official; his collar turned up against the biting Northern European wind. Accessorised by a chunky timepiece, the look is part gangster, part bookie, part sex symbol. The watch Precision operators need a precision device. A Gucci timepiece keeps Mourinho on schedule. You can count down the seconds to the final whistle with this sleek item from Puma. Price: £30 The coat If you're on a footballer's salary you'll buy your overcoat at Armani. If not, take the Manchester City fans' advice, and buy this coat at Matalan. Price: £40 Winning style The touchline is Mourinho's catwalk so he needs to look stylish and practical. Those brown suede loafers pick their way around muddy puddles, while a grey suit is complemented by a crisp cut-away shirt with a baby-blue tie in a look which is straight from Milan's Via Borgognona. The shirt and tie Copy Mourinho's clean-cut look with a sky-blue business shirt from Reiss. Price: £69 A bright silk tie is the perfect complement for Mourinho's favourite neutrals. Buy its less expensive cousin at Austin Reed. Price: £28 The suit Mourinho's sleek single-breasted is from Hugo Boss. Try Reiss for a style at a fifth of the cost. Price: £375 Premiere chic This is the perfect get-up for a trip down the red carpet. A camel jacket is complemented by a thick-striped blue and burgundy shirt, dark brown trousers, and those ubiquitous suede loafers. Low-key enough for Jose not to mind his children spilling a little Sprite on his shirt, it's still a stylish outfit in which to be snapped by paparazzi. The jacket Mourinho likes to dress down in a £299 beige Hugo Boss jacket. If that's a little too Premier League for your budget, try this Austin Reed version. Price:£179 The loafers Dark-brown suede used to be the look for football managers, but on sheepskin car coats rather than footwear. Kick your feet into these loafers at up-market gentleman's outfitters, John Lewis. Price: £100 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
DemonRing:讚。 03/12
JamesCaesar:灰大衣夠酷炫! 03/12
Mourinho:約NT16000...Hugo Boss140.113.138.171 03/12
Leslielee:灰大衣不是Armani的嗎?肯定不止NT$16000.. 03/12
Leslielee:我還對他的LV旅行箱相當的印象深刻哩~~~ 03/12
Leslielee:最喜歡這句'既黑道, 又像賭業大亨, 又性感' XD 03/12