精華區beta Chelsea 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://skysports.planetfootball.com/list.asp?hlid=262433 by Paul Higham - created on 14 Mar 2005 (選錄) Chelsea boss Jose Mourinho has been slammed by Uefa for his comments about Anders Frisk - which they say led to the referee's retirement. Swedish official Frisk decided to hang up his whistle after being hit with abuse from Chelsea fans from across Europe. Uefa have reacted angrily to Frisk retiring, and referees' committee chairman Volker Roth has blasted the Stamford Bridge boss for his part in forcing Frisk toend his career. "It's the coaches who whip up the masses and actually make them threaten peoplewith death," Roth told Aftonbladet. "We can't accept that one of our best referees has been forced to quit because of this. "People like Mourinho are the enemy of football." Referee Urs Meier also received numerous threats against him following England's controversial departure from Euro 2004 - and he believes Mourinho should be punished. "It's obviously not okay for a coach to put this much pressure on a referee, asMourinho did in this case," said Meier. "He has to be punished. "Uefa and Fifa have to protect referees from attacks like this." UEFA月越說越誇張, 只差沒說死亡威脅的email..電話..是老大幹的 根本是想順水推舟, 來個殺雞儆猴, 借此重新建立裁判權威 不知老大會如何回應 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
DemonRing:Times on London的標題也不錯 03/14
DemonRing:Mourinho is our enemy, UEFA says. 03/14
roshanpeng:真是多事之春... 03/15