精華區beta Chelsea 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://www.telegraph.co.uk/sport/main.jhtml?view=DETAILS&grid=D&xml=/sport/2005/ 03/15/sfnwin15.xml Henry Winter (Filed: 15/03/2005) The day after acerbically describing Jose Mourinho as "an enemy of football", the chairman of UEFA's referees committee, Volker Roth, yesterday announced there would be a "demonstration of solidarity among referees" for Anders Frisk, whose life has been made a misery by Mourinho. Solidarity? A strike? Unlikely. Maybe officials will wear wrist-bands inscribed "No Way, Jose". Even when UEFA try to snarl, they do not show any teeth. UEFA裁判主席嚴厲抨擊JM之外, 表示裁判們會團結一致聯合對外? 罷工? 都不可能, 也許他們可以在戴上刻有"NO WAY, Jose"的臂章. UEFA不移餘力對外表達氣憤, 但除此之外, 並無具體嚇阻行動 UEFA talk a lot, but do little. European football's governing body fear the power of major clubs like Chelsea and especially the sharp minds and claws of their legal eagles. Like headmasters aware the school bully is the real power in the playground, the Nyon suits confine themselves to reprimands and paltry fines. Just look at UEFA's weak record on combating racism; they love a banner but never a ban. When 20,000 England fans chanted "I'd rather be a Paki than a Turk" at Sunderland's Stadium of Light, the FA were fined £70,000, roughly what they made on programme sales that evening. UEFA顧慮到像切爾西這樣的既狡猾又不乏龐大律師團隊作後盾的大俱樂部, 以反種族歧視 為例, 總是喜歡充滿象徵意義的"橫幅標語",卻從沒有明確的取締. 當兩萬英格蘭球迷在 比賽當中不停唱著:"我寧願當巴基斯坦人, 也不要當土耳其人", FA被罰款七萬, 這金額 大約是當天比賽的收入. A UEFA fine would not stop the Portuguese prince of wiles from playing his mind-games. Missed press conference? £20,000 fine? No problem. Late for the second half? £15,000? Small change. Damaging Frisk's reputation? £40,000 fine and a warning? OK. Mourinho has just been signed up by American Express, so he could put the whole UEFA tab on his card. That'll do nicely. UEFA's indignation is utterly correct but their sanctions are laughable. Mourinho resembles the Spice Boy who asked Liverpool's then manager, Roy Evans, how much he would be fined if he skipped training to attend a London photo-shoot and, when told it would be £10,000, promptly wrote out a cheque and dashed for the airport. UEFA的任何罰款將嚇阻不了詭計多端的葡萄牙人, 未出席記者會罰兩萬? 沒問題. 下半場 延遲出場罰一萬五? 未見改善. 導致Frisk名譽受損罰四萬並記警告一次, 可以. JM才 接下美國運通的代言合約, 剛好可以刷卡付UEFA的罰款帳單. Mourinho and Chelsea do not care about UEFA. Or the Premier League. Even in the wearisome Ashley "it's all Chelsea's fault" Cole tapping-up saga, the Premier League will not have the nerve to impose a sufficient sanction on Stamford "it's all Ashley Cole's fault" Bridge. A £50,000 fine will hardly alarm a billionaire like Roman Abramovich. Even if Nick Fitzpatrick, the Premier League lawyer at Denton Wilde Sapte who has been interviewing Cole and company, decides tomorrow there is a case to answer, and the Premier League then appoint an independent commission of QC, former football administrator and ex-police chief, the possibility of meaningful punishment will be slim. JM和切爾西並不擔心UEFA或FA(?),即使Cole事件, FA也將不會有實際的譴責行動, 罰款 五萬對阿布拉莫維奇不算是什麼警告. If the Premier League had real nerve, and were prepared to tackle Chelsea's lawyers, they would impose an embargo on any signings for one transfer window. So Chelsea could not buy any players this summer, having to wait for reinforcements like Steven Gerrard next January. FA若有膽量, 有充分準備與切爾西的律師們正面交鋒, 他們可以禁止切爾西在轉會期進行 購買或賣出任何球員. But don't hold your breath. The Premier League know that tapping-up is a widespread activity and Chelsea could easily shine an embarrassing torch on to the stalking of players in the shadows. Ultimately, Chelsea do not care because they are collecting trophies under Mourinho. Just talk to the players atthe buoyant Bridge, particularly the English ones, and they adore Mourinho. He has guided John Terry, Frank Lampard and Joe Cole to the promised land of winner's medals. He has transformed Cole. "Because he keeps the pressure off the players with the way he is, he is well-respected," said David Beckham, the Real Madrid midfielder, yesterday. 最終, 只要擁有很多冠軍獎盃, 切爾西還是不在乎一切調查, 只要問切爾西球員, 尤其是 英國本土球員, 他們敬重JM, 在他的帶領下每個人都有傑出的發揮與進步, 誠如貝克漢姆 所說:"他致力讓壓力遠離球員, 這一點他值得球員的尊敬." Mourinho keeps the pressure off his players brilliantly, transferring it all on to himself by picking fights and distracting attention from the team's travails during defeats at St James' Park and the Nou Camp. Sir Alex Ferguson built an empire on a siege mentality and Mourinho is now following suit, assisted by the authorities' frailties. JM到處惹事生非讓焦點集中在他身上這一點作的非常出色,這也是承襲佛格森的作法,  而監督機構也間接的從旁協助。 -- -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
JamesCaesar:相當犀利 03/15
jftsai:為什麼為什麼這樣球員可以專心練球?可遠離壓力? 03/15
DemonRing:好犀利~ 03/15
maiomaio01:因為有一個無論勝敗都願意一肩擔下的教練啊! 03/15
maiomaio01:而且壞人自己當,球員只要專注於球場就行了 03/15