精華區beta Chelsea 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://www.timesonline.co.uk/article/0,,27-1527162,00.html March 16, 2005 (選錄) By Matt Dickinson, Chief Football Correspondent, and Rick Broadbent JOSE MOURINHO could be banned from the touchline and the dressing-room for Chelsea's European Cup quarter- final if he continues his war of words with Uefa. Football's European governing body is collating all of the Portuguese's comments and a disciplinary commission will decide if they are worthy of a charge at a meeting next week. 倘若老大持續和UEFA口水戰,他將面臨半決賽禁止在場邊指揮作戰,也禁止進入更衣室, UEFA正在檢視所有老大的言論,紀律委員將會在下星期開會決定是否予以懲處。 William Gaillard, Uefa's director of communications, confirmed that Mourinho's latest outburst had been “added to the file” — and it is growing thicker by the day. The Chelsea manager has refused to back down over his criticism of Anders Frisk, the referee, after the European Cup first leg tie in Barcelona last month. “Every day, everywhere, there are criticisms like these, from coaches, directors and players, ” he said. “It is a normal situation.” UEFA表示,已經替老大近來激進的言行建立檔案,而且檔案日益增厚。 Uefa officials are exasperated by Mourinho's behaviour, but so far he must answer only for his failure to turn up at the press conference after his team's 2-1 defeat in the Nou Camp. That case, which will result in a small fine, will be heard next Thursday. UEFA對老大的行為表示非常憤怒,但目前為止他只需要針對未出席戰敗記者會提出答辯。 這案子最終會有小筆罰款。 Chelsea will also face a minor charge for arriving on the pitch late after half-time in Barcelona but, more significantly, Mourinho is running the risk of a touchline ban if his comments are deemed to amount to misconduct. 切爾西還必須面對另一項輕微的指控,但更值得注意的是,若他的言論被認定行為不良 老大有可能面臨禁賽。 Whether or not he is charged by Uefa, Mourinho's behaviour could damage the recruitment of referees, according to the vice-chairman of the Uefa referees' committee who is also Frisk's mentor. The remarks of Lars-Ake Bjorck will prolong the feud between Mourinho and the governing body. 無論老大是否會被Uefa起訴,老大的言行已經嚴重影響裁判的招募狀況。 "There is no longer honour among coaches," Bjorck said. "They blame the referee too much. These actions make it harder to recruit referees because they see what happens." Bjorck said he felt Mourinho owed Frisk an apology. "He is not the only one," he added. “I'd like it if, after the match, referees and coaches discussed things. Maybe I am naive, but I'd like it to be like afamily.” "裁判的榮譽已蕩然無存。"Bjorck說."Frisk 不是唯一的受害者,莫里尼奧須向他 道歉。也許我太天真,但我希望如果可以,裁判和教練在賽後可以和和氣氣地討論 事情," If Mourinho does insititute legal proceedings against Roth, he would not have the backing of the League Managers Association (LMA), which does not provide support in matters of libel or slander. Frank Clark, the LMA vice-chairman, said: “We have a code of conduct for our members by which they are allowed to criticise referees as long as it is done in a constructive and responsible manner.” 老大若要告Roth,LMA將不會支持教練。 A LAWYER WRITES JOSE MOURINHO’S threat to sue Volker Roth, the chairman of the Uefa referees committee, looks an empty one because it has virtually no chance of succeeding. In branding Mourinho “the enemy of football”, Roth has done no more than express an opinion — albeit a strong one — on facts in the public domain. English law protects such publication under the defence of fair comment, on the basis that if we are not free to utter opinions on matters of public interest, we can hardly be said to live in a democracy. It is unlikely that the law is any different in Sweden, where Roth’s comments were first published. Mourinho might be advised to roll with the punches and remember that worse things happen in life than the odd robust opinion. ----- WBA賽前賽後記者會老大都沒出席,應該有在收斂了。 -----_____ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: jftsai 來自: (03/16 11:04) ※ 編輯: jftsai 來自: (03/16 11:10)
u1302094:繼柯爾門之後另一件懸案:莫里諾門?XDb(毆) 03/16
JamesCaesar:沒在怕的 03/16
jftsai:我在怕,怕沒名聲,怕老大這樣玩得不償失 03/16
JamesCaesar:又沒差,反正我們是 "暴發戶" 嘛~ 03/16
roshanpeng:我可以說....我快昏倒了嗎? 03/18