精華區beta Chelsea 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://www.chelseafc.com/article.asp?hlid=263170 UEFA step back from ref row Wednesday, Mar 16, 2005 UEFA has made a statement distancing themselves from criticism of Jose Mourinho today, Wednesday. The governing body of European football moved to build bridges with Chelsea by making it clear that controversial comments by the referees' official about Mourinho were not made on their behalf. Mourinho was called an ‘enemy of football’ by referees' chief Volker Roth but UEFA today insisted he was speaking as a private individual, not on their behalf. William Gaillard, UEFA’s director of communications, said: “UEFA have never said Jose Mourinho is an enemy of football. We are looking into the problem of respect for referees as a whole. There is nothing in our statement about Chelsea or Mourinho. We hope that the polemics end and we are keeping communications open with Chelsea. 歐足拹從來都沒說穆里是足壇公敵.我們完全只是尋求對裁判的尊重.我們並沒有 對於切爾西或穆里有任何評論.我們希望爭辯到此結束.而且我們正保持著和切爾西 良好的公開溝通管道. ”Roth has our full support and respect but he’s not an employee of UEFA. He was reacting as a private person, as a referee.” 我們支持敬重Roth.但是他並非歐足協的同仁.他只是表達他個人的意見.一個裁判的 意見. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- RomanAbramovich。JoseMourinho。SteveClarke。PetrCech。YvesMakabaMakalambyCarloCudicini。StevenWatt。AnthonyGrant。ScottParker。RobertHuth。TiagoMendes。 ArjenRobben。FilipeOliveira。NjitapGeremi。JiriJarosik。DamienDuff。 FrankLampard。NunoMorais。PauloFerreira。ClaudeMakelele。LennyPidgeley。 MatejaKezmanAlexeiSmertin。RicardoCarvalho。EidurGudjohnsen。WilliamGallas。 MikaelForssell。GlenJohnson。WayneBridge。DidierDrogba。JoeCole。JohnTerry -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: