精華區beta Chelsea 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://football.guardian.co.uk/News_Story/0,1563,1443121,00.html?gusrc=rss Uefa rages at Mourinho 'poison' (選錄) Matt Scott Tuesday March 22, 2005 Kenyon will be aware that if the hearing finds Mourinho and his colleagues guilty of bringing the game into disrepute, one sanction open to Uefa would be to eject Chelsea from the Champions League. 肯揚知道若JM和其他相關人員被裁定有罪, Uefa其中一個選擇就是處以極刑. With Chelsea prepared to fight such punishment in the courts by claiming restraint of trade, however, it is little more than a theoretical possibility and any hope Barcelona may have of being reinstated in time to replace Chelsea in facing Bayern Munich in the competition's last eight on April 6 would appear extremely faint. 理論上, 要在4月6日前讓巴賽帶替切爾西迎戰拜仁慕尼黑的可能性微乎其微. One Uefa official yesterday hinted that the most likely form of censure the control-and-disciplinary body will apply is a touchline ban for the individuals involved. "It is a whole range of punishments that is possible," said Uefa's director of communications William Gaillard. "They go from fines to being officially suspended from the game, which is a match ban. 一位Uefa官員暗示最有可能的譴責形式應該是針對個人禁賽.各種處罰都有其可能性. "It can be one [match], can be two, can be three; it is exactly the same as what a player can incur. So it is up to the judges to consider how grave the charge is and whether they agree that the charges are correct." 有可能禁賽一場、兩場或者三場, 如同處罰球員的方式一樣, 這些指控的嚴重性與是否 恰當需由法官來判定. Having been given a one-match ban in 2003 for pre venting a Lazio player from taking a quick throw during Porto's Uefa Cup first-leg win, Mourinho had reportedly argued at a Uefa elite coaches' meeting last year that being prevented from entering the dressing room was unjust and a touchline suspension should suffice. He was overruled. 2003年 Uefa Cup 對上拉奇奧第一腿時, 莫里尼奧也曾因故(看不懂什麼原因)被禁賽一場 ,據稱他曾在隔年的菁英教練會議上, 對禁止進入球員更衣室這樣的處罰實在不合理,禁止 進入場邊應該就足夠. 他這項看法遭到否決. The judges set to pronounce on the latest case will be enlisted from criminal courts. "Chelsea will have the opportunity to present their case, either directly or indirectly through a lawyer, much like a court proceeding," said Gaillard. (啥?"criminal court"! 簡直把我們當罪犯審判,若真的派律師團庭上據理力爭, 像 法庭影集The Practice那樣, Uefa會不會判的更重??!! 奸詐的Gaillard.) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: