精華區beta Chelsea 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://www.cfc-net.co.uk/forum/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=5848 這位熱血 celery_squad 仁兄在主場看水晶宮比賽時, 一時興奮投擲洋蔥而被逮捕, 警方 指控他"投擲武器", 證物是2.5英吋長的洋蔥, 他禁止看球賽.他買的還是季票!! 他向球迷求援, 看有沒有可以銷案的方法.:D 大家也聲援他:沒打到人沒人抗議, 警方應該沒理有逮捕你;還沒定罪何來禁賽。。。 I was evicted from Stamford bridge and arrested on Saturday at the palace game for throwing a bit of celery, I have been charged with "throwing missiles " which couldnt be further from the truth as I was joyfully chucking it around in the MHl amongst chelsea fans, which has been a tradition for the last 20 years or so. I even recall neil Barnett on Chelsea tv saying bit of celery never hurt anyone? I have been banned from attending football matches until my court case and will then probably receive a further banning order and lose my season ticket, this is gonna absolutely kill me as all I live for is chelsea, especially at this crucial time of the season, something i have been waiting for my whole life! The police recovered a piece of celery from the scene which measures 2.5 inches long and is part of the evidence against me!! So basically lads I need some messages of support about the celery situation and the actual policing of it,which I personally feel bordered on assault on myself. I may be able to produce this to chelsea as something of a petition and hopefully (pray to zola) be able to keep my season ticket and forthcoming away tickets. thanks to all those people I bumped into on the train on the way home who kindly offered me their numbers and support. We dont want to lose our celery, its tradition, so lets stick up for ourselves and take a stick or two to the next game and show the authorities what its all about. I would also like to hear from anyone else who has been arrested for throwing celery and also if anyone can refer a Chelsea supporting solicitor who understands the whole celery thing and can take my case up. YOU'L NEVER BAN THE CELERY! Rigman 仁兄回: As for Rule 7.2.1 Does this mean that if the ball comes into the stand we should not throw it back for fear of being arrested!! 根據切爾西官方規則所寫: 7.2.1 The throwing of any object within the Ground without lawful authority or excuse. 若照WBA那場德羅巴踢飛一堆球, 球迷可以有藉口抱好多球回家XD 若不能丟洋蔥發揚傳統, 那麼"穿"在身上也不錯:D http://www.tshirts365.com/store/comersus_viewItem.asp?idProduct=853 左拉大叔保佑celery_squad 可以保住價值不菲的季票! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
StillguestXD:帶洋蔥看球...XDDDD 03/23
hababy:Drogba踢飛一堆球...好想要 03/23
momo7426:球迷實在很喜歡帶一些奇怪的東西看比賽.... 03/23
momo7426:真是不懂..還看過充氣娃娃的..怎麼帶阿... 03/23
Santos:那哞哞你一定是沒有看義甲..鐵棍標槍斧頭爆竹折140.112.242.174 03/23
Santos:蹬..上次還有人丟了台摩托車下來.. 03/23
DemonRing:連motor都有是怎樣...=_= 03/23
JamesCaesar:拿 洋 蔥 轟 炸 U E F A (我是洋蔥流氓!) 03/23
momo7426:義甲那麼誇張喔..哈哈..比較少看到... 03/23
momo7426:要從足球流氓變成洋蔥流氓!? XD 03/23
JamesCaesar:其實是芹菜...不是洋蔥 08/09