精華區beta Chelsea 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://football.guardian.co.uk/comment/story/0,9753,1444519,00.html Kevin McCarra Thursday March 24, 2005 The Guardian Chelsea have shaped this season to such an extent that they have even created their most potent enemies. Manchester United and Arsenal have been brushed aside but the Stamford Bridge side will find it harder to overcome the indignant football authorities mustering before them. CFC可以漠視曼聯和阿森納,但在極度不滿的足壇大哥面前, 切爾西很難獲勝. This is the biggest challenge of all for Jose Mourinho, and the most needless. Within the space of three days he and his club have been charged by Uefa and the Premier League. Whether innocent or guilty, it is incompetence to end up in such trouble. 這是莫里尼奧最大也是最無必要的的挑戰. 才短短三天, 他和球隊就被Uefa和PL 提出控告. 無論最終有罪或無罪, 缺乏危機處理能力才會使事情演變至此 . How could a grumble about a referee turn into a battlefield engagement with Uefa? Even if Ashley Cole was a target, why should Chelsea pursue an interest so flagrantly that a destructive melodrama was unavoidable? Mourinho has directed the club into deep trouble. 對裁判發牢騷怎麼會演變成一場戰爭??!! 就算切爾西真的很想得到AC, 為什麼要如此 明目張膽、醜陋的追捕獵物? 而開始上演一場爛戲. 莫里尼奧讓球隊陷入一連串困局. Forget the verdicts. It is bad enough that, in the next three weeks, Chelsea will have their Uefa hearing, entangle themselves in meetings with lawyers over the Premier League charges, and somehow squeeze in both legs of the European Cup quarter-final against Bayern Munich while trying to close on the league title. 撇開最後的裁決不談, 切爾西接下來三週要赴Uefa聽證會, 還要協同律師出席PL的控告, 中間還有兩場歐冠大戰, 照目前這樣來看, 已經夠令人心煩. Mourinho will alternate between coaching his back four and preparing his own defence, with the aid of solicitors. If something does not give in that process, he really is "a special one". 莫里尼奧可以先陪後防四銅人練球, 然後接著去找律師.(練證詞嗎?) Chelsea are now suffering for their compulsive brashness. They had a point when noting that the intemperate language in Uefa's statement hardly suggested the ruling body is impartial but this habit of raising the stakes in every dispute is unlikely to lead to a happy resolution. 目前切爾西為自己失控.莽撞的行為飽受煎熬.(後面這段我不太暸, 意思大概只我們 懷疑Uefa審判公正性只會使事情更糟) Mourinho's declaration on Portuguese television that the Uefa charges against him will be dropped also looked provocative. Immense wealth ought to guarantee a certain serenity but Chelsea, fired up by Roman Abramovich's wealth, are turning into the most confrontational club football has ever known. 莫里尼奧在葡萄牙電視台的聲明聽起來充滿挑釁. 有盧布作後盾, 卻爾西儼然成為最 容易引發衝突的球隊. Sometimes their conduct is intriguing and they will, for instance, alter the relationship between footballers and their employers if they triumph in their search for compensation from Adrian Mutu. Chelsea are certainly looking at the world of football afresh. There would be no harm in these well-heeled revolutionaries striving to bring down the establishment if they did not threaten to do the most devastating damage to themselves. Chelsea have not been found guilty of anything but they are breaking new ground simply by becoming embattled to such an extent by the domestic and European football bodies. It is no longer possible to believe that each conflict created is really just another piece of psychological subterfuge by Mourinho. 切爾西雖還沒被定罪, 但他們以前所未見的大規模的備戰狀態, 從英國國內打到 歐洲, 若莫里尼奧說這些舉動也是計謀之一,實在令人難信服. (我也不相信) Where are the benefits now? The siege mentality does not bond footballers quite so well if they start to think that the walls are about to crumble. Nor does the penchant for confrontation make sense when the football community would rather make friends with them. 好處在哪? 若教練自己垮了, 球員們還能靠"全世界都與我為敵"的心態團結一致嗎? 多一個朋友不是比多一個敵人好嗎? All of this is a matter for sadness. Chelsea now appear to imagine the world is inherently hostile to them but there was no reason why they could not have been admired for their superbly led team that should take the Premiership and could win the Champions League. If the Stamford Bridge disorder seeps into the tie with Bayern Munich and brings defeat, Chelsea will have inflicted a more devastating punishment on themselves than any sanction Uefa or the Premier League could devise. 若輸給拜仁, 打擊會勝過Uefa或PL的任何處罰~~~~~ ------ 外人總是說老大講究細節,心思縝密,但這次他是聰明反被聰明誤,事情完全失控了 老大初來乍到,可能還以為可以像在葡萄牙. 波爾圖那樣呼風喚雨,隨意離經叛道 場內談足球沒人比他更精,但英超或整個歐洲足壇的遊戲規則已不像他之前 可以隨意玩弄,奇怪的是,連肯揚也陪他玩,不知老大怎麼說服他的?? 若真有任何處罰也許也是好事,讓老大得一次教訓學一次乖,只是代價很大 若英超倍扣積分,叫老大賠!! 明知故犯又給人發現, 還說謊>< 但以老大的聰明才智和追求完美, 希望下個賽季應該會比較美好 希望可以像上半賽季那樣安安靜靜的踢球贏球冠軍XDXD, 這樣老大和整個球隊的人緣也會更好 還好老大有闖這些禍,讓人看到他的缺點,不然想想,以外人來看他擁有的真的讓人忌妒ﰺ 有錢有勢、學識、智慧、膽識、外表、口才、年輕、家庭、好的工作、好的球員、 信任他的上司、忠心工作夥伴 若沒拿到到冠軍我才會崩潰, 歐冠盡力就好, 所以球員們最近別看報紙電視雜誌 光是我們球迷每天看到這些新聞都快煩死了, 請專心踢球 拿 冠 軍 ! ! ------- -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: jftsai 來自: (03/24 16:39)