精華區beta Chelsea 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ 引述《JamesCaesar (首席百人隊長)》之銘言: : http://sports.sina.com.cn/g/2005-03-19/21171459113.shtml : 2005年03月19日21:17 新浪體育 :    3月19日倫敦消息,切爾西主帥穆里尼奧近日在《每日郵報》開設的專欄中表示 : ,租借到伯明翰隊的芬蘭射手弗塞爾很可能在本賽季結束後重新回到切爾西。 :   穆里尼奧說,“他的堅忍和勇氣令人驚嘆,他對比賽的熱情,他對足球的理解, : 再加上他自信心的提高,這些進步我們都看在眼裡,他對切爾西未來的發展非常重要 : 。我們相信他很快就會回到斯坦福橋。” : (金名) http://skysports.planetfootball.com/Article.asp?id=265618 by Patrick Goss - created on 27 Mar 2005 Jose Mourinho is set to hand Mikael Forssell the chance he covets at Chelsea. The talented Finn is battling back from injury, and is keen to show he has the talent to play for The Blues. Forssell has been farmed out with impressive results to Birmingham for the past two seasons, although this campaign brought a nasty injury that has kept him sidelined. The striker has never relinquished his hoped of being given a chance at Chelsea, and his attitude appears to have impressed manager Joe Mourinho. "Forssell is a talented striker who has shown potential," said Mourinho. "I know what he is suffering. "His perseverance and courage are fantastic as is his passion for the game. "We all adore him and all have the confidence in his return." 似曾相識的好消息XD -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: jftsai 來自: (03/27 23:02)
JamesCaesar:XD 03/27
jftsai:http://tinyurl.com/7x9lz 生龍活虎XDXD 03/27
JamesCaesar:超 級 帥 03/27