精華區beta Chelsea 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://www.chelseafc.com/article.asp?hlid=265649 Sunday, Mar 27, 2005 Chelsea are optimistic that Arjen Robben is not as badly injured as first feared. New club doctor Bryan English said today, Sunday: “I am grateful that the Dutch medical team is so co-operative. They have kept us fully informed. I'm talking to them twice a day. He is due another scan on Tuesday and, depending on how that comes out, will either stay in Holland or come back directly for treatment.” 目前靠一天兩通電話掌握羅本傷勢, 星期二還再作一次掃描, 再決定在荷蘭治療還是回 英國.(去米蘭!!) Arjen broke down yesterday during Holland's win in Romania with a calf strain. Earlier today he went on Dutch television and said:“It is difficult to say how many weeks I will be out, but it is clear that it is not good. Armenia and Bayern are out of the question in any case.” 羅本自己對荷蘭電視台說他也不知道會休息幾個禮拜,但世界盃資格賽和歐冠是沒份了. Holland play Armenia on Wednesday and Chelsea face Bayern Munich at Stamford Bridge the following Wednesday. However, if the scans show no serious damage, and so far they have not revealed any, he may not be out for long. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: