精華區beta Chelsea 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://www.teamtalk.com/teamtalk/News/Story_Page/0,7760,1773_374871,00.html Deco defends Mourinho (選錄) Barcelona midfielder Deco has sprung to the defence of Jose Mourinho following stinging criticism of the personality and management style of the Chelsea manager. The Blues boss was slammed for refusing to attend the post-match press conference after the feisty encounter in Spain while Barcelona also criticised the style of football played by Chelsea. But Deco, who won the Champions League under Mourinho at Porto last season, has given his full backing to his former manager and insists the outspoken comments made by the Blues boss makes him an easy target for abuse. "Mourinho has had to live a very different life in England possibly due to the pressure and the sensational newspapers," said the Portugal international. "In England, you have to defend yourself with as much effort as you can and that is different to what it was like in Portugal. Deco continued: "He has created a defensive style but Mourinho is not a bad person. "He has developed a style and a way of talking about games which brings some benefits but can also have disagreeable consequences." -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
Fusilli:我每次看到Deco都會想到哈姆太郎or土播鼠, 03/29
Fusilli:整個可愛的阿。 03/29
jftsai:This's London:Deco still a fan of Mourinho 03/29