精華區beta Chelsea 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://www.chelseafc.com/article.asp?hlid=365088 Cup draw hands home tie against Geordies Monday, Feb 20, 2006 Chelsea's FA quarter-final opponents will be Newcastle United. The Monday lunchtime draw paired us with the side that ended Jose Mourinho's first FA Cup campaign last season at the fifth round stage. We also faced Newcastle in the semi-final of 2000 when Gianluca Vialli's side won 2-1 on the way to lifting the trophy. Chelsea also won ties in 1996, 1959, 1950, 1915. You have to go back to 1932 for Newcastle's most recent FA Cup success over us with their one other win in 1911. The latest encounter will mean a return to Stamford Bridge for Celestine Babayaro and Scott Parker. The tie will be played midweek during the week starting Monday 20th March. It will be decided on the night. The exact date, kick-off time and ticket information will be released shortly but seat prices will be discounted in line with the club's policy for domestic cup games. The full draw is: Charlton v Middlesbrough Aston Villa or Man City v Bolton or West Ham Chelsea v Newcastle Birmingham v Liverpool by Paul Mason -- 當我漫遊在斯坦弗森林時,我看見了雀爾西,米爾斯的女兒,在傍晚初升的明月中, 在泰晤士河旁一處林地空間上翩然舞蹈。所有痛苦的記憶都離開了我,我像落入迷離 幻境中一般,因為雀爾西伊露維塔兒女中最美的一位。她身上那襲藍色的衣裳宛如 萬里無雲的晴空,她灰色的眼睛像是傍晚群星閃爍的天空;她的斗篷上繡著金色的花 朵,她的頭髮漆黑如暮色中的陰影。她的榮光與美好,就像樹葉上的光芒,像是潺潺 流水,像是這迷離世界上方閃爍的繁星;她臉上有閃亮的光輝 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
nca49:沒抽到米堡... 02/20 23:00
JamesCaesar:抽到新堡也不錯,想上賽季在客場....唉唉 02/20 23:07
lowlydog:賠了小布又輸球..................老妖超狠.... 02/21 00:09
lowlydog:這場一定要看 席樂最後的風采~~可以讓他進 但我們要贏 02/21 00:09
JamesCaesar:不准進!!! 02/21 03:01
stranck:OG 不算嗎?給他進啦~ 02/21 23:07