精華區beta Chelsea 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://www.chelseafc.com/article.asp?hlid=407176 Cheshunt 4 Chelsea Reserves 0 Tuesday, Aug 01, 2006 A heavy defeat for Chelsea Reserves tonight, Tuesday, is easily explained by the absence of what will be regular players this season who are currently away with either the first team in USA or the youth team in Ireland. 預備隊大慘敗,因為主力都被調走了。 Several triallists were given their opportunity, among them Hector Tejera at right-back, the brother of Sergio Tejera who was playing at almost the same time for the youth team. 來試訓的也被派上場,像是特亞拉的老哥赫克特˙特亞拉,他踢右後衛。 Brendan Rodgers, in charge of the reserves for the first time, was pleased with the game if not the result. “We needed to get 90 minutes for the few players who are still here. Jonas Elmer played in midfield with James Simmonds, and they did well, and so did Per Weihrauch on his debut.” 教練升上預備隊的第一場比賽...不過中場艾爾默和賽門茲表現不錯,維洛奇初登場。 Elmer is a left-back, but with former Football Icon winner Sam Hurrell available to play that position, he moved into the centre. James Russell, formerly our youth team keeper, was in between the sticks. In front of him the central defensive pairing was Harry Worley and captain Adrian Pettigrew. 山姆先生擔任左後衛,門將羅塞爾已來到預備隊,雙中衛是沃利和佩迪葛雷。 Eighteen year old Danish striker Weihrauch, signed from Ajax in the summer, played on the right of attack with Phil Younghusband through the middle and second year scholar Tomi Saarelma on the left. 三前鋒新同學維洛奇踢右邊,年輕丈夫踢中間,薩瑞馬踢左邊。 Weihrauch has come back from a long-term injury and has been carefully prepared for the season. “He did particularly well in the second-half,” said Brendan. “There were a couple of terrific bursts of pace, and he was unlucky not to finish off one great run with a goal.” 維洛奇剛從大傷中復原,所以很小心,下半場展現了一次爆發力。 The reserves play again next Tuesday at Hampton & Richmond. 下週二預備隊要在 Hampton & Richmond 比賽。 by Neil Barnett -- 以伊露維塔的名為證發誓 — 若有誰敢奪取屬於我們的藍色之魂,不論對方是天使 、惡魔、男人或女人,包括尚未出生者,若有任何的生靈,不論偉大或渺小,是善 還是惡,我們都將懷著復仇與憎恨之心直追到天涯海角,直追到世界結束之日。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: