精華區beta Chelsea 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://www.chelseafc.com/article.asp?hlid=408910 Hampton & Richmond 1 Chelsea Reserves 1 Wednesday, Aug 09, 2006 Chelsea Reserves got nearer a full side for their second pre-season games last night, Tuesday, but were still full of youngsters as they drew with Hampton & Richmond first team. 預備隊第二場熱身賽,以幾乎全軍的陣容出戰漢普敦里奇蒙一軍,不過戰平。 Hampton & Richmond took the lead when two of the more experienced Chelsea players, goalkeeper Yves Makabu-Ma Kalambay and captain Adrian Pettigrew got themselves in a mix-up. 第一個失球來自門將和中衛的 mix-up 失誤。 The equaliser was scored by substitute forward Ben Sahar who finished well from Jonas Elmer's fine pass. The Hampton & Richmond manager was former West Ham and England midfielder Alan Devonshire. 之後艾爾默妙傳替補前鋒薩哈爾追平比分。 Reserves manager Brendan Rodgers said: “We controlled the game for good spells, playing well in patches. It was a good game for fitness. Now we go to Belgium and face a bigger test.” 教練羅傑斯還算滿意。 The team will play Westerlo on August 15th. 下一戰將前往比利時和我們的合作球隊威斯特羅交手。 Team (4-2-1-3) Ma Kalambay Hutchinson Worley (Cork) Pettigrew (c) Elmer Bridcutt Fernandes (Hurrell) Weihrauch Triallist Younghusband (Cummings) Sinclair (Sahar) by Neil Barnett -- Mourinho.... O! Always believe in your soul, you've got the power to know, you're indestructible, always believe in Mourinho... O! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: