精華區beta Chelsea 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://www.chelseafc.com/article.asp?hlid=410181 Westerlo 1 Chelsea Reserves 2 Wednesday, Aug 16, 2006 Two second-half Scott Sinclair goals gave Chelsea Reserves a win in Belgium last night against a Westerlo side which was largely their first team for much of the match. 憑藉下半場辛克萊爾的兩記入球,預備對客場 2-1 勝威斯特羅一軍。 Manager Brendan Rodgers was delighted with the performance. “Westerlo play Anderlecht on Sunday, but they had no game last weekend, and this was their first team. They only made changes in the last quarter. There were more than a few people there to watch them.” 雖然威斯特羅週末要迎戰強敵,但他們上週並沒有比賽,因此教練很開心,竟然能贏。 Westerlo took the lead after ten minutes, a harshly given free-kick against Chelsea being struck past Yves Makabu-Ma Kalambay with the aid of a deflection. 開賽才10分鐘威斯特羅就進球,一個有點勉強的自由球,還折射。 The equaliser came midway through the second-half. Per Weihrauch hit a terrific pass for Shaun Cummings, and he was grounded by the goalkeeper. Sinclair put away the penalty. 下半場,新同學維洛奇送出絕妙好球,孔明被門將放倒,辛克萊爾點球一蹴而就。 Ten minutes from the end a Ryan Bertrand interception and great through ball set Sinclair away to finish coolly. Bertrand then hit a post from a free-kick. He also got booked. It was a hectic night for him. 超嗨的貝爾川80分鐘時斷球+傳球給辛克萊爾攻入致勝球。他自己自由球還打到門柱。 Brendan was pleased with the defending against an experienced side. “Yves had a good game in goal, the full-bacsk were good, and Michael Woods in holding midfield was great until he ran out of steam. It was his and Ryan's first game of the season, so they have some work to do.” 教練很滿意後防,門將馬卡蘭貝、邊後衛們、後腰伍茲都很不錯。 What shocked Brendan most didn't happen on the field, but off it. “Some Chelsea supporters travelled over for the game. They were superb. As soon as we realised they were there we sorted them out with tickets.” 竟然還有卻爾西球迷跨海前來比利時,真是感人啊..... The team is travelling back today, coming through the Euro shuttle. Team (4-3-3) Ma Kalambay Hutchinson Pettigrew (c) Mancienne Bertrand Smith Woods (Fernandes 70) Simmonds (Cork h-t) Weihrauch (Younghusband 75) Cummings Sinclair by Neil Barnett -- Mourinho.... O! Always believe in your soul, you've got the power to know, you're indestructible, always believe in Mourinho... O! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: