精華區beta Chelsea 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://www.chelseafc.com/article.asp?hlid=411414 Chelsea Reserves 1 Watford Reserves 1 Tuesday, Aug 22, 2006 Midfielder Jimmy Smith broke his nose in the penultimate pre-season friendly for the reserves, and Scott Sinclair got on the scoresheet again as Chelsea drew with Watford yesterday, Monday. 吉米˙史密斯在這場熱身賽中弄斷了鼻子,辛克萊爾打進唯一的一球。 Smith, who trained with the first team squad in the USA, rose to an outswinging corner in the second-half and belted the ball as hard as he could. Unfortunately his follow through caught the defender on the back of the head with his nose which got splattered across his face. The club doctor was able to deal with it swiftly and no lasting damage should be suffered to his health or his looks. 吉米在搶角球的時候撞到對方後衛的頭,隊醫馬上處理,應該沒有大礙。 This was a game which served first and foremost all the young players needing some action. Several came back from injury or inactivity. There were nine changes at half-time. 本場比賽主要是練小朋友,傷兵也都回來打比賽,中場時換了九個人。 A stronger, fitter side was put out in the second-half and the game had higher tempo. Watford took the lead, but Sinclair equalised. 下半場的陣容比較強,節奏也很快,沃特福德先進球,辛克萊爾扳平。 http://www.chelseafc.com/Images/-NEWS/ResFriendlyWatford.JPG
Manager Brendan Rodgers said: “There's a group of young players who have excelled during pre-season, Ryan Bertrand, Jack Cork, Michael Mancienne, and they did well again. Per Weihrauch is quick down the right hand side, he's a good 'out', and he's done quite well. He picked up a slight injury so I hope that's not nothing too bad. Most of all this was the exercise it was meant to be.” 貝爾川、柯克、曼西恩、維洛奇表現得都不錯。 Chelsea Reserves now go to Walton & Hersham on Thursday, kick-off 7.45pm, and then start the season proper at home to Fulham next Tuesday, kick-off 7pm at Aldershot. The Walton & Hersham game will be preceded by a Chelsea Old Boys match kicking off at 6.45pm. 下一場熱身賽要到 Walton & Hersham,在下一場就正式開始新賽季,主場打富樂姆。 by Neil Barnett -- ╴╴ ╴╴ \\ // -GENERATION // \\  ̄ ̄  ̄ ̄ SUCK IT -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: