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http://www.chelseafc.com/article.asp?hlid=420174 Portsmouth Reserves 0 Chelsea Reserves 5 Wednesday, Oct 04, 2006 Portsmouth fielded an ex-England striker but the story of the game was all about the Chelsea attack following a succession of eye-catching goals, including a hat-trick for Salomon Kalou. 雖然龐貝有安迪˙柯爾,但整場比賽的光芒都被卻爾西奪走,尤其是戴草帽的卡盧。 The 21 year-old summer signing from Feyenoord completed his first 90 minutes since his move but even more importantly, gave a good sight of the quality and pace that marked him out as such a prospect in the Dutch League. 卡盧終於完成了來到卻爾西的首個90分鐘,表現非常出色。 A supporting act was ably provided by Scott Sinclair who found the net twice himself and was part of a swift front three that kept Portsmouth on the back foot for most of the game. 攻進兩球的辛克萊爾也提供不少彈藥,三前鋒的速度讓龐貝灰頭土臉。 Kalou played in the centre of the attack in a side reshaped by international call-ups, injuries and a loan for captain Jimmy Smith. Phil Younghusband dropped into midfield from his usual attacking slot but still found the first chance of the game falling his way. 卡盧出任中鋒,揚哈斯本從鋒線回撤到中場,預備隊因為傷兵、租借、傷病缺乏人手。 It was a difficult volleying chance on the edge of the area that was skied. That was on 13 minutes. A minute later Hilario in the Chelsea goal was in position to stop a free-kick from Franck Songo'o. 13分鐘,揚哈斯本凌空抽射偏出,一分鐘後,希拉里奧擋出 Songo'o 的自由球。 Only two minutes later, Chelsea went ahead after a Younghusband pass played Kalou in but still with much to do. From an angle on the right, he thundered a low shot into the bottom corner. It was a flash of pure class. 兩分鐘後,揚哈斯本妙傳卡盧,卡盧右側起腳怒射攻進死角,0-1。 There was good shout for a Chelsea penalty when Fabio Ferreira outpaced Portsmouth left-back Matthew Hartmann who had a tug at him in the box, ignored by the ref. 之後費雷拉殺入禁區被 Hartmann 拉倒,不過裁判不予理會。 On 25 minutes, there was a harsh lesson for 16 year-old Nana Ofori-Twumasi on his reserve debut but fortunately one without consequences. 第25分鐘,第一次為預備隊上場的歐佛里托馬西幸運逃過一劫。 The right-back dived into a tackle on Richard Hughes as the Portsmouth player side-stepped to take a shot. It was a clear penalty but one that Andrew Cole missed. Hilario went left; the former Man United striker hooked the ball the wrong-side of the opposite post. 這名右後衛飛鏟 Hughes,點球,希拉里奧往左撲,但是安迪˙柯爾射飛了。 Ten minutes before the break it took a smart block from Dean Kiely to prevent Chelsea going two goals ahead. Younghusband's strong shot followed a sharp move down the middle taking in a Michael Woods dribble, a Kalou pass and a Ferreira back-flick. 35分鐘,伍茲盤帶 -> 卡盧傳球 -> 費雷拉回敲 -> 揚哈斯本怒射,但是被門將擋出。 Two minutes later, Cole went closer for Pompey than he had with his penalty but was left cursing the crossbar after dropping deep, turning and whacking a 20-yard shot against the woodwork. The home side were improving as the break approached. 37分鐘,安迪˙柯爾20碼射門砸在門住上,主隊在這陣子稍微振作起來。 The first incident of the second-half was a booking for Joel Ward, the Portsmouth right-back who fouled after being caught for pace for a second time, this time by Sinclair. 下半場,龐貝右後衛 Ward 對辛克萊爾犯規,小黃。 Kalou's second goal on 51 minutes owed a touch of good fortune to a ricochet off the referee but once the Ivorian was in possession, there was no stopping him. After flying past centre-back Greg Lake, he had pace to spare to keep ahead of the rest of defence and slotted the ball past Kiely with an ice-cool head. 51分鐘,卡盧幸運撿到彈過裁判的球,過掉龐貝中衛後冷靜破網,0-2。 The hat-trick could have been completed just six minutes later when the Pompey defence were tuned into totally different wavelengths. Kalou nipped in, appeared have tricked his way past Kiely but then knocked the ball back into the keeper's range. A hand went out and the chance was gone. 六分鐘後卡盧趁著龐貝後衛默契不佳鑽過防守,想過掉門將,可惜失敗了。 Chelsea by now were well on-top with 16 year-old Michael Woods and 17 year-old stand-in captain Jack Cork influential in midfield. 16歲的伍茲和17歲的柯克牢牢的掌控住中場。 A feature of the second-half was some wild tacking by the home side as they tried to keep a lid on Chelsea's nippy play; Hughes, Wilson and Songo'o joining Ward in the book. 下半場龐貝開始用瘋狂鏟球破壞卻爾西犀利的進攻,吃到另外三張黃牌。 The third goal, scored by Sinclair, didn't look out of place next to the quality of Kalou's brace. Taking Cork's ball on the left, he found the gap between two defenders and rifled the ball low past Kiely. 隨後柯克交球給左翼的辛克萊爾,辛克萊爾巧射穿過兩名中衛和門將,0-3。 Slovakian winger Miroslav Stoch came on to make it three 16 year-olds on the pitch and including Kalou and Hilario, five debutants at this level. Harry Worley and Ofori-Twumasi were the others. 之後斯托奇上場,卻爾西出現三名16歲的球員在場上。 Substitute Liam Bridcutt found Sinclair on the left for another shooting opportunity with 11 minutes to go but on his weaker left-foot, this time he ballooned his shot. 布里考特替補上場傳給左路的辛克萊爾,但是後者不擅長的左腳把球射飛。 He made no such mistake on his right-foot five minutes later. Exchanging passes with substitute Simmonds, from almost the same spot as his first goal he finished with power off the inside of the far-post. 五分鐘後,辛克萊爾沒浪費賽門茲給他的機會,這次用右腳把球送入遠角,0-4。 The fifth goal will have kept the Chelsea team debating in the dressing room long after the final whistle. It was Kalou who completed his hat-trick but it could so easily have been Sinclair. 第五球可能會在更衣室裡爭論很久,儘管是卡盧完成的,但辛克萊爾本來有機會的。 In a move started by Kalou, Simmonds again played in Sinclair who beat Kiely. With defenders chasing the shot, Kalou did the professional thing and slid the goalbound ball over the line from a couple of inches out. 賽門茲妙傳,辛克萊爾的射門過了門將,但是後衛狂追,卡盧保險起見把球送進網內。 The game was played in front of a crowd of 1,304 at Fratton Park. The result bettered the 4-0 home win over Fulham in the opening game of the season and is the best by the second string since a 6-0 home drubbing of Coventry last March. 本場比賽佛拉頓公園有1304名觀眾,5-0的大勝是本季預備隊第二好的成績。 Chelsea: (4-3-3) Hilario Ofori-Twumasi (Liam Bridcutt 76), Harry Worley, Adrian Pettigrew, Nuno Morais Phil Younghusband (James Simmonds 79), Jack Cork (capt), Michael Woods Fabio Ferreira (Miroslav Stoch 79), Salomon Kalou, Scott Sinclair Portsmouth: Dean Kiely, Joel Ward, Matthew Hartmann, Noe Pamarot, Greg Lake, Marc Wilson, Franck Songo'o, Richard Hughes, Andrew Cole, Berlin, Ndebe Nlome (Jack Plummer 78), Daryl Fordyce. by Paul Mason http://www.chelseafc.com/Images/-NEWS/ResPompeyAway.JPG
辛克萊爾和卡盧 -- “沒有幾人能像他一樣在37歲就累計過百億的財富,沒有幾個人能像他一樣狡黠。” by 俄羅斯《真理報》記者謝爾蓋 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
hababy:預備隊好威XD 10/06 10:17
stranck:這是... 10/06 12:19
JamesCaesar:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bXmGtzethys 10/09 21:13
JamesCaesar:辛克萊爾內切進球 10/09 21:13