精華區beta Chelsea 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://bbs.chelseafc.net.cn/viewthread.php?tid=52900&extra=page%3D1 Joe Cole: 'I'm ready for selection' Wednesday, Oct 11, 2006 翻譯:shake1982 Joe Cole has taken a big step towards a full return from injury after playing all 90 minutes of a behind-closed-doors friendly. The game took place at Cobham on Tuesday with the opposition provided by Coventry City's reserves. The Chelsea team was a reserve side plus the first team squad members who have not been on international duty. 喬˙科爾距離全面復出僅一步之遙了,一場打滿90分鐘的封閉比賽證明了這一點。這 場比賽是星期二在柯本訓練基地進行的,對手是考文垂預備隊。切爾西這邊是一線隊 和預備隊球員的混合隊,是沒有國家隊比賽的球員們。 Cole suffered a knee medial ligament injury within seven minutes of his first match action in the pre-season. That was in the United States on August 6. 科爾膝部韌帶受傷,這是他在季前賽首次出場僅七分鐘後就落得的結果,倒霉的時間 和地點是今年8月6日的美國。 Initial fears that he would be out for many months were soon allayed although Cole himself warned that problems derived from his type of ligament strain can linger on. 最初的消息讓人感到心寒,他將缺席許多月,但不久就被證明是個謠言。儘管如此, 如果不好好解決韌帶問題,情況還會持續。 He attempted a competitive comeback against Werder Bremen a month ago but after playing the final ten minutes, he still didn't feel right. 他試著在一個月之前對雲達不來梅的比賽中復出,在最後10分鐘上場,但還是感到不 適。 Tuesday's game was an important test, but after lasting the course and creating both Chelsea goals in a 2-1 win, Cole was delighted with the outcome. 這個星期二的比賽是個重要的考驗,但是打滿全場和助攻兩次後,科爾高興的宣布, 他回來了,而切爾西混合隊也以2-1戰勝了考文垂預備隊。 “It was great to put the shirt back on,” he told Chelsea TV after the game. “I really enjoyed it and there is nothing better than playing. “能再次重披戰衣實在爽歪了,”他在賽後接受切爾西電視台採訪時興奮的表示。 “我當然非常享受這種感覺,沒有比再次出場比賽更來得享受了。” “Although I have had three or four good training sessions, you are still a little bit nervous because you can't replicate a game. But I went out there and the knee felt fine so I am back and ready for selection. I am just buzzing.” “儘管我已經參加了3到4場的訓練課,但是我還是有點緊張,我的身體能否經得起比 賽的考驗。但我還是選擇迎接挑戰,現在我的膝蓋感覺良好,所以現在我正式的復出 了。我興奮得難以言喻。” With what was already a truncated pre-season curtailed by the injury, it is clear there is catching up to do. 由於傷病的影響,從季前賽開始就被耽誤的準備工作,現在還有許多東西需要完善。 “I am still not 100 per cent of course because that was my first 90 minutes,” Cole agreed. “But this injury has made me even more hungry. It has been a nightmare being out and it has made me realise all the more how I love playing and I just want to get back out there and help the lads.” “我沒有百分之百的恢復,因為這是我本賽季第一次打滿90分鐘的比賽。”科爾同意 這個觀點。“但是傷病讓我更加飢渴,遠離賽場對我來說不啻於一場噩夢,這讓我意 識到我是多麼的熱愛比賽,我想復出,想幫助我的隊友們。” Jose Mourinho watched Tuesday's workout along with all his coaching staff, including assistant manager Steve Clarke. 穆里尼奧帶領著他的教練組成員觀看了這場比賽,助理教練史蒂夫˙克拉克當然也位 列其中。 “Joe got to about 90 per cent fit very quickly but we just couldn't quite get him over that final hurdle,” explained Clarke. “It has been a long slog for him, almost fit but not quite, and today was an important step for the boy. “我想小喬大概恢復了90%的功力吧,這已經非常快了,但我們對他不能急於求成,” 克拉克解釋說。“他缺席了很長時間,雖然已經從傷病中走出來了,但還沒有完全恢 復,今天的比賽對他來說是非常重要的一步。” “Hopefully there will be no reaction and he can push on from here.” “希望不要出現不良反應,然後他就可以真正的從傷病中走出來了。” In the friendly game, Cole provided a free-kick for a headed equaliser after Coventry had taken the lead shortly after the break. He then sent over a corner which was converted for the second. 在這場友誼賽中,科爾主罰的任意球助攻,頭球破門,這是在考文垂破門之後不久就 追平了比分,然後他主罰的角球又助攻破門,切爾西以2-1擊敗了考文垂。 Both Chelsea goals were scored by Jack Cork, the reserve team captain since Jimmy Smith's loan to QPR. 切爾西的兩個進球都來自傑克˙柯克,他是切爾西預備隊的現任隊長,是在吉米˙史 密斯租借去QPR之後接過隊長袖標的。 The moment Jack slid in to net the winner won't be forgotten in the Cork household in a hurry. His father Alan, the former Wimbledon striker, is nowadays coach of the Coventry reserve side that was in opposition! 作為勝利者的傑克一定會印象深刻,因為他的父親阿蘭,前溫布敦前鋒,就是對手考 文垂預備隊的教練。 Three goalkeepers, Carlo Cudicini, Hilario and Yves Ma Kalambay, played half-an-hour each. Cole played on the right of a front three that started with Salomon Kalou in the middle. There was a full game in midfield for John Obi Mikel. 三個門將,庫迪奇尼、希拉里奧、馬卡蘭貝,每個人打了半小時的比賽。科爾踢的是 三前鋒的右邊路,小將卡盧在中路活動。小將米克爾則在中場打滿了90分鐘的比賽。 The Chelsea line-up was: (4-3-3) Carlo Cudicini (Hilario) (Yves Ma Kalambay); Nana Ofori-Twumasi, Harry Worley (Liam Bridcutt), Adrian Pettigrew, Nuno Morais John Obi Mikel, Jack Cork, James Simmonds (Fabio Ferreira); Joe Cole, Salomon Kalou (Shaun Cummings), Scott Sinclair (Phil Younghusband). by Paul Mason http://www.chelseafc.com/Images/-NEWS/JoeCole.jpg
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ybh: 能再次重披戰衣實在爽歪了 10/12 12:14
wei7515:希望快點看到他啊 (揮手帕) 10/12 13:11
JamesCaesar:一樓想推齊被二樓識破 XD 10/12 16:06
GoldSky:他之前還被傳說可能冬天來熱刺咧 有誇張 10/12 16:29
kevinken:小喬T__T 10/12 16:35
kevinken:只是這樣 又要來玩猜誰是替補的遊戲了 10/12 16:35
momo7426:等太久了 終於要復出了 YA 10/12 16:45
qaisgood:小賴特小喬卡位戰 10/12 20:31
lowlydog:小賴特的哀怨 藍軍又要搶位子 國家隊明明該派他也要等... 10/12 22:00
Verriasen:小賴特要把握自己先發的機會嘛 唉~~ 10/12 23:41
Verriasen:應該說上場機會 10/12 23:43