精華區beta Chelsea 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://www.chelseafc.com/article.asp?hlid=422468 Arsenal Reserves 1 Chelsea Reserves 2 Monday, Oct 16, 2006 Chelsea Football Club's all-round bright start to the season continues as the reserves win away at Arsenal. They join the youth team at the top of their respective leagues. 三支卻爾西的美好開局繼續延續,預備隊在客場勝阿森那登上排名榜首。 Brendan Rodgers's second string began the day in third place in the Premiership Reserve League South behind Monday night's opponents and Tottenham. They end it a point clear thanks to goals from Ben Sahar and Scott Sinclair plus Watford's home draw with Spurs. 開賽之前預備隊只排在第三,不過這場勝仗加上熱刺的平局使我們登頂。 The goalkeeping drama at Chelsea that has seen Yves Ma Kalambay move into the first team squad, plus Monday's loan of Michael Mancienne to QPR, saw an already youthful side take on an even fresher-faced appearance. 一軍的門將短缺讓馬卡蘭貝升上一軍,曼西恩外租,所以預備隊變得更加年輕生澀。 Yet they were very good value for a win at Barnet FCs Underhill over an Arsenal side containing Philippe Senderos and Mathieu Flamini among their own group of teenagers. 阿森那預備隊方面加入了森德羅斯和費拉米尼,所以我們的勝利顯得更加珍貴。 Chelsea midfielder Michael Woods was the first to have a shot saved in an uneventful first quarter-of-an-hour before the first of two well-crafted Chelsea goals was scored on 18 minutes. 前15分鐘平靜無事,只有伍茲的一腳射門被撲,但第18分鐘我們首先破門。 The move was swift and incisive, the finish another feather in the cap of Sahar, the 17 year-old Israeli who has made a fine start to his first season at Chelsea. 這次的滲透又快又利,由本季加盟的17歲的以色列中鋒薩哈爾破網。 Fabio Ferreira twisted free from Armand Traore on the right wing and found Sahar with a low ball towards the penalty spot. The shot was a low, crisp and first time. Former Derby keeper Mart Poom was helpless. 費雷拉在右翼突破特勞雷下底傳出低平球,左側薩爾哈一蹴而就,0-1。 On 37 minutes, Nick Hamann, playing his first game in the reserves' goal reacted well to save from Marc Elston with his feet but only a minute later, the 19 year-old German keeper was facing a penalty. 37分鐘,第一次為預備隊上場的門將哈曼做出精采撲救,但一分鐘後他面臨了點球。 Harry Worley was the Chelsea defender adjudged to have fouled in the box but it really was hard to see what justification Arsenal striker Jay Simpson had to throw himself to the floor a good yard away from Worley's leg. 中後衛沃利被判極刑,儘管他似乎沒有對阿森那前鋒犯規...... Hamann went the right way but still couldn't reach a perfectly-struck spot-kick by Mark Randall. Chelsea could count themselves very unfortunate to be pegged level. 哈曼撲對了方向,但點球極為刁鑽,從哈曼的左手上方破網,1-1。 Rather than dwell on that, the young Blues reacted in the perfect manner, scoring another excellent goal just one minute further on. 但年輕的卻爾西迅速的從點球事件中反擊,一分鐘後即超前比分。 Again a way forward was found on the right flank. The ever-industrious Woods nicked the ball away from Senderos who though free from the torment of Didier Drogba in opposition, was still given a tough game by the Chelsea youngsters. Nuno Morais and Ferreira worked the ball back to Woods who crossed low, Scott Sinclair on this occasion the man in place to finish first time. 費雷拉又從右翼發動進攻,他的直塞找到了前插的伍茲,辛克萊爾左側接獲傳中破門。 Four minutes after the restart, a curling cross from Morais provided a heading opportunity for Woods who nodded over the target. Immediately a similarly unattended Elston wasted a good cross at the other end. 四分鐘後右後衛莫瑞斯傳出好球,伍茲沒頂好,隨後阿森那那浪費了一次機會。 Chelsea responded and Poom saved well from Worley's first time volley at the far-post from Woods's free-kick. 之後伍茲開出自由球,沃利凌空抽射遠角被門將撲住。 Midway through the second-half, Sinclair was a few inches away from finding the far corner with a tight-angled drive after turning Matthew Connolly inside out. 下半場,辛克萊爾左翼晃過後衛下底左腳怒射,可惜偏出遠角,差之毫厘。 Sahar had been booked for shooting after the whistle and Adrian Pettigrew for time-wasting by a fussy referee and two minutes from time, Arsenal's Randall joined them for back-heeling into a prostrate Simmonds. 薩哈爾的越位後射門和佩迪格魯的浪費時間都被判黃牌,阿森那背後犯規也吃了一張。 Before that, Elston's shot had deflected off Morais and not too far over. An equaliser at that point, and in that manner, would have very hard on a Chelsea side that had enjoyed the upper hand in front of a big home crowd. 而莫瑞斯的阻擋射門折射差點造成烏龍,但卻爾西的掌控優勢讓阿森那無法扳平比分。 In the final minute, Sinclair was denied by Poom's tip over after the Arsenal defence had no way of cutting off his twisting, pacey run down the left. 最後一分鐘,辛克萊爾又在左翼下底挑射,可惜被門將拍出,終場 1-2。 Chelsea: (4-3-3) Hamann Morais Worley Pettigrew Bertrand Woods (Simmonds 80) Cork Younghusband (Fernandes 74) Ferreira Sahar Sinclair Arsenal: Mart Poom, Paul Rodgers, Armand Traore, Mark Randall, Matthew Connolly (c) (Gavin Hoyte 70), Philippe Senderos, Peggy Lokando (Rhys Murphy 62), Mathieu Flamini, Marc Elston, Jay Simpson, Ryan Garry (Kieran Gibbs 62). http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DUtAgI_0RqI&eurl=
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JamesCaesar:那個不是犯規的犯規真扯... 看起來差了一公尺.... 10/18 22:00