精華區beta Chelsea 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://tinyurl.com/y44rw4 (<-超長官網網址) CHELSEA RESERVES 1 WATFORD RESERVES 3 Tue, 21st Nov 2006 Two goals in the final five minutes consigned the home team to defeat after a Watford penalty opener had been equalised by a second goal for Miroslav Stoch at this level. 最後五分鐘被灌兩球讓預備隊在主場吃下敗仗。 Those two strikes had come in the final quarter-of-an-hour, the game having taken its time to spring into life. It ended with a bang as the visitors struck twice in the closing four minutes; their second goal something special. The first-half in particular had lacked incident, although not at the very start. 上半場平淡無奇。 Following three weeks without a competitive friendly, Brendan Rodgers's team could be excused a few cobwebs as they resumed duty and Magnus Hedman, playing his first proper match for 18 months, was called into action after only 50 seconds. 18個月來首次先發的海德曼開賽僅50秒就接受考驗。 He responded with a good reaction save from a close-range shot, Watford having kept the pressure on following an initial slip by Lassana Diarra had conceded possession. 海德曼近距離撲出射門,迪亞拉的滑倒失誤讓沃特福德抓住機會。 Ben Sahar was soon in action for Chelsea at the end, an early-struck shot on the run by the young Israeli flying not too far wide. 薩哈爾還以顏色,不過稍稍偏出球門。 That was all within the first two minutes. There was precious little of note following until over quarter-of-an-hour later when Michael Woods embarked on a determined run from midfield. He skipped past one challenge, pulled wide of a second but his finish was slightly off-balance and lacked the composure needed to hit the target. 15分鐘後,伍茲跑動後的射門太急了點,偏出目標。 Hedman was again equal to the Watford challenge on half-an-hour when Al Bangura fired in his direction after a slippery run by McNamee penetrated the Chelsea defence. 30分鐘時,海德曼又擋出了 Al Bangura 的攻勢。 The save was more shoulder than anything else but added to a couple of high balls caught, it was a confident start to what Jose Mourinho has labelled 'stage two' of the Swede's career. Diarra was booked just before the break for a persistent infringements at the end of a ten-minute spell when had been the most prominent player on the pitch. 儘管迪亞拉是場上最活躍的球員,但上半場最後10分鐘還是吃到了黃牌。 With Jimmy Smith, Michael Mancienne, Jack Cork and Ryan Bertrand all out on loan, this side had a different look to it from the one that started the season. 目前幾名主將紛紛外租,球隊的狀態跟季初有點差距。 The two teams went into the break goalless. Two half-chances had fallen Sahar's way midway through the period? the first struck at the keeper, the second bravely blocked by Ben Gill? but for the most part, the two keepers (with 75 years between them) watched a contest played out in the middle of the park. 上半場0-0結束。 Diarra didn't emerge for the second-half, his place taken by Liam Bridcutt. The sub ran onto a pitch now taking constant rain having been subjected to an afternoon inspection. 下半場迪亞拉下,布里考特上,下雨下個不停.... The early second-half exchanges were heavy-going too. Rodgers opted for a double substitution after 20 minutes. For one of the players introduced, Lee Sawyer, it was a reserve team debut. First year trainee Stoch was the other. 20分鐘後,索伊爾上場,這是他第一次在預備隊亮相,斯托奇也替補上場。 Chelsea began to give the visitors hope in front of goal. Centre-forward Tamas Priskin found space inside Harry Worley to blaze just past the post and then Albert Jarrett drew another save from Hedman. 但場上情勢未見改善,海德曼又做出一次撲救。 Suddenly a diagonal ball from deep caught Chelsea totally exposed down the right. As Priskin attempted to capitalise, his shot struck an already prostrate Pettigrew. 然後沃特福德一個斜傳讓我們防線徹底崩潰,但倒在地上的佩迪葛魯擋住了射門。 The ref signalled a penalty for handball. It looked a highly questionable decision. The Chelsea captain was booked and the new keeper stood little chance as Jarrett converted the kick high into the net. 裁判吹了一個讓人十分懷疑的手球+黃牌,海德曼對點球無能為力,0-1。 There was only quarter-of-an-hour remaining but all was not lost. Suddenly it was Chelsea's turn to catch Watford lacking in numbers with a quick break. 比賽還剩15分鐘,預備隊沒有放棄。 Scott Sinclair's pass put substitute Stoch, who had already enlivened the game with his direct running, through on goal. The livewire Slovakian clipped keeper Chamberlain with his shot but it still had the momentum to make the net. 辛克萊爾妙傳狀況極佳的斯托奇,斯托奇怒射,1-1。 Two minutes from time, Anthony McNamee extinguished all hope that Chelsea may yet conjure a late winner as he put the Hornets ahead with the outstanding moment of the evening. 但是兩分鐘後大黃蜂就澆熄了我們反撲的希望。 From the edge of the area he unleashed a missile that curled beyond Hedman and just inside the post. McNamee在禁區邊緣發射導彈,海德曼束手無策,1-2。 Two minutes later, even thoughts of digging out a draw were banished when Bangura picked up Diagouraga's blocked effort and turned the ball home. 兩分鐘後,Diagouraga射門被擋,Bangura補射得手,終場1-3 。 Chelsea: (4-3-3) Hedman Morais Worley Pettigrew (c) Elmer Woods Diarra (Bridcutt h-t) Fernandes (Sawyer 64) Ferreira (Stoch 64) Sahar Sinclair Watford: Alec Chamberlain, James Chambers, Ben Gill, Toumani Diagouraga, Dan Shittu, Adrian Mariappa, Anthony McNamee, Al Bangura, Tamas Priskin, Damien Francis, Albert Jarrett (Alex Campana 75). -- “沒有幾人能像他一樣在37歲就累計過百億的財富,沒有幾個人能像他一樣狡黠。” by 俄羅斯《真理報》記者謝爾蓋 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: