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http://www.chelseafc.com/xxchelsea180706/index.html#/page/ArchiveNews/ list_2210603_12 VALENCIA B 1 CHELSEA RESERVES 2 Wed, 29th Nov 2006 Chelsea Reserves won their first away European in-season friendly this morning. European friendlies are being scheduled in to the gaps left by a less demanding fixture list for the reserves. 小將們出國比賽啦,雖然只是友誼賽。 A goal in each half, by Phil Younghusband and Ben Sahar, put Brendan Rodgers' team 2-0 up. Valencia scored from a harshly given penalty three minutes from time. 揚哈斯本、薩哈爾上下半場各建一功,蝙蝠B隊則在終場前進了一個勉強的點球。 The squad flew south on Monday, trained at Valencia's training complex yesterday, and played the game this morning on a pitch with stands within the complex. Amongst the spectators was Asier Del Horno, on crutches. He has not played since joining Valencia in the summer. 週二在對手的基地訓練,週三比賽,杵著柺杖的德爾奧諾也來觀戰。 Brendan was thrilled with the trip. 'We got what we wanted,' he said. 'We got experience, we played against a different style and a different system in a different country, and we showed up very well again.' Valencia played 4-2-3-1. 教練羅傑斯太高興了,在完全不同的環境面對異國對手,是很好的經驗。 Brendan described the goals. 'Phil Younghusband played a perfect combination with Ben Sahar and Miroslav Stoch, got one on one with the keeper and slipped the ball in.' 揚哈斯本領銜的三前鋒非常出色,一對一面對門將打入第一個進球。 Younghusband hit six goals in two games for Philippines two weeks ago, and right now is scoring all over the world. 揚哈斯本兩週前為菲律賓出賽兩場,打入六球,現在又進球,可說是全球進透透 XD 'Then Michael Woods exerted terrific pressure, he won the ball high up the pitch, slipped in Ben Sahar who went past the defender with decent skill and finished.' 伍茲也很出色,妙傳薩哈爾,薩哈爾過掉後衛接著進球。 The Valencia goal was a disappointment. 'It was a poor penalty,' said Brendan. 'It hit Harry Worley on the chest but the referee gave a handball.' Valencia scored from the penalty. 不過沃利的胸部接球竟然被判手球,失掉這個點球有點遺憾。 The squad headed straight for the airport and home after the game. 比賽結束後球隊立刻搭飛機回家。 Team (4-3-3) Hamann Hutchinson (Bridcutt) Worley Pettigrew (c) (Ofori-Twumasi) Elmer (H Tejera) Woods Triallist Younghusband Sinclair Sahar Stoch -- Mourinho.... O! Always believe in your soul, you've got the power to know, you're indestructible, always believe in Mourinho... O! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
jftsai:Elmer 耶! 12/02 00:19
JamesCaesar:中間那Triallist已經看過幾次了,應該是FI2得主 XDD 12/02 00:28