精華區beta Chelsea 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://www.chelseafc.com/page/NewsHomePage/0,,10268~972533,00.html ASTON VILLA RESERVES 0 CHELSEA RESERVES 3 A hat-trick by 17-year-old Ben Sahar, with the first two goals set up by 16-year-old Sergio Tejera, took Chelsea Reserves to their most impressive win and performance of the season. 17歲小將本-薩哈爾的帽子戲法帶給了切爾西預備隊本賽季給人印象最深刻的表現和勝利 。哈爾的前2粒進球來自16歲的塞爾吉奧-特赫拉的助攻。 Chelsea looked to have taken the lead after just seven minutes when Phil Younghusband turned in Miroslav Stoch's ball forward after good work by Woods and Tejera, but he was flagged for offside. 切爾西可能在比賽開始僅7分鐘時就取得領先,伍茲和特赫拉打出精彩配合,菲爾-揚哈斯 本接米羅斯拉夫-斯托赫傳球突破,但卻被判為越位在先。 The very young Chelsea side started with excellent tempo against the very experienced Villa, and dominated the first-half. 但面對經驗豐富的維拉,年輕的切爾西很好的控制了比賽的節奏,並主導了上半場比賽。 On his reserve team debut Sergio Tejera, playing the No 10 role ahead of midfielders Woods and Younghusband, was a constant threat with his Micky Hazard style of play. 首次在預備隊中出場的塞爾吉奧-特赫拉出現在了伍茲和揚哈斯本的前面,充當了10號的 角色,他持續以精彩的冒險威脅著對手。 And on his second start Miroslav Stoch had spells of genuine inspiration down the left-wing. The team was slightly lop-sided with Fabio Ferreira injured and midfielder Ricardo Fernandes playing on the right-wing. 第二次首發出場的米羅斯拉夫-斯托赫在左路發揮出了真正的靈感,相比之下,有傷在身 的法比奧-費雷拉和中場裏卡多-費爾南德斯在右路的表現使球隊顯出了有些不平衡。 Stoch created the next chance for himself, nutmegging Jlloyd Samuel and cutting in but shooting straight at goalkeeper Olejnik. 斯托赫為他自己創造出了比賽的第二次機會,他甩開伊羅伊德-薩穆埃爾的防守切入禁區 ,但他的射門直接被守門員奧萊尼克得到。 Villa made some good midfield moves, but despite having Luke Moore and Patrick Berger up front couldn't penetrate. 維拉在中場進行了幾次有效的轉移,但儘管在前鋒線上擁有盧克-摩爾和派翠克-柏格,他 們卻不能撕碎切爾西的防線。 Instead, it was Chelsea who took the lead after 21 minutes. Tejera curled in an innocuous free-kick from a fairly central position, and the Villa defence stood transfixed as it drifted to the far post where Ben Sahar reacted first to poach his third reserve team goal. 第21分鐘,切爾西取得了領先。特赫拉中路罰出任意球,維拉的防守有些木訥,遠端的本 -薩哈爾首先做出反應,打入了自己的第三粒預備隊入球。 burst after a free ball having challenged well, cut inside Hogg and hit a cross-shot which flashed past the far post with Sahar and Fernandes just unable to turn it in. 薩穆埃爾此後不久下場,斯托赫利用他離場的機會空切入禁區,在甩開霍格的防守之後起 腳似傳似射,遠端的薩哈爾和費爾南德斯都沒能觸到皮球。 As half-time approached Berger found space, and the Hungarian Zoltan Stieber caused problems, but captain Ma Kalambay's only save was a brave deflection at feet as a ball deflected across his six yard box. 上半時臨近結束,柏格找到空間,匈牙利球員佐爾坦-斯蒂伯為切爾西製造了麻煩,但隊 長馬-卡蘭貝做出了精彩的撲救,他用腳將球擋出,這也是他在本場比賽中的唯一一次撲 救。 Chelsea not only had a 17-year-old and 18-year-old at centre-back, but the right-back was converted striker Shaun Cummings. It was an impressive first-half all round. 切爾西不僅在中後衛的位置上擁有17和18歲的小將,右後衛紹恩-庫明斯扮演了邊鋒的角 色,這成為上半場一景。 Villa changed their team round at half-time, putting Herd to right-back against Stoch and moving Hogg into midfield, and brining on two substitutes. Berger was one of the players withdrawn, probably a fitness decision rather than a tactical one. 中場休息時維拉改變了球隊的陣容,赫德出現在了右後衛的位置上對抗斯托赫,霍格投入 中場,並換上了2名球員。柏格或許更多由於身體而非戰術原因被換下。 Sahar scored the second seven minutes into the second-half. It was a wonderful goal. 下半時開場僅7分站,薩哈爾就打入了第二粒進球。 Tejera with his back to goal back-heeled a looped pass to Sahar who turned his marker and burst between two defenders before forcing the ball past the advancing keeper. Considering one of the defenders was Laursen, admittedly returning from injury, this was no mean effort. 特赫拉腳後跟妙傳,薩哈爾從兩名後衛中間穿過,面對出擊的門將將球打入。由於一名後 衛是剛剛傷癒的勞爾森,這粒進球無可挑剔。 Injured Elmer, the recipient of a poor foul challenge which received no booking, was immediately replaced at left-back by Bridcutt. 埃爾莫被對手4次侵犯受傷,但主裁判沒有出示黃牌,隨後左後衛布裏德庫特將其換下。 Sahar completed his hat-trick just before the hour when O'Halloran passed back to his goalkeeper in a tight space with amazing disregard, and Sahar blocked the clearance for the ball to rebound in. 第56分鐘,薩哈爾上演了帽子戲法。奧哈羅蘭回傳門將力量過輕,薩哈爾高速趕上,打入 了第三粒入球。 For the last 15 minutes Sawyer replaced the impressive Stoch, went into a three-man midfield, and Tejera went out to the left-wing. 最後15分鐘,索耶替下了表現出色的斯托赫,切爾西陣形變成3中場,特赫拉移至左邊。 The referee had let an awful lot go, but a late, aggressive foul on Woods earned Lowry a booking. 主裁判長時間補時,補時階段,羅裏對伍茲嚴重犯規被黃牌警告。 In the final two minutes Tejera nutmegged advancing keeper Olejnik but was at a wide angle and hit a square shot across goal. 最後2分鐘,特赫拉晃過出擊的門將奧萊尼克,但在角度很大的情況下將球打飛。 Aston Villa (4-4-2) Olejnik; Samuel (Hogg 23), Laursen, O'Halloran, Lowry; Albrighton (Bellon h-t), Osbourne, Herd, Stieber; Moore, Berger (Mikaelsson h-t). Booked Lowry (82) (Bridcutt 53); Woods, Younghusband; Tejera; Fernandes (Ofori-Twumasi 82), Sahar, Stoch (Sawyer 77). Scorer Sahar (21, 52, 59). By Neil Barnett -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: