精華區beta Chelsea 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://www.chelseafc.com/page/NewsHomePage/0,,10268~1016287,00.html PLEASE SUPPORT IN THE BEST WAY The throwing of celery at Chelsea matches has become more prevalent over recent seasons and all fans must realise the implications this will have for the club if it continues. (近幾個賽季很流行丟擲芹菜,不過球迷務必了解這樣的舉動對球會造成的困擾。) Although the throwing of celery is done in fun, and we understand that, the throwing of anything at a football match is an offence and is taken very seriously by the Football Association. (球會能理解丟芹菜的只是開玩笑,但比賽現場丟擲任何物品都很危險,這點FA很重視。) Whenever it is reported by referees, as it has been several times this season, the club is called to account for it. (只要裁判接獲檢舉,切爾西必須負全責。) If it does not stop, we could be fined heavily and if it continues after that the punishment available under FA rules is even more wide-ranging. (再不停止這項行為,切爾西會收到FA的罰單;收到罰單再不改善FA會抓狂。) We all want to support our team and have fun at matches but we can do that by waving flags, singing and cheering which will all have more of an impact than throwing celery. (大聲吶喊、努力揮動藍旗都比丟芹菜更有意義。) ~~~~~ 蠻好笑的新聞。 XDD ~~~~~ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
Rasheed:丟芹菜的樂趣~~~XD 不過昨天好像有空瓶飛進場內!? 04/26 14:44
jftsai:撿回去晚餐加菜 04/26 14:46
wei7515:芹菜不錯啊,幫助消化又可以促進腸胃蠕動去便秘 XD 04/26 14:58
momo7426:球會能理解丟芹菜的樂趣 XDD 我無法理解丟芹菜的樂趣 XD 04/26 16:29
※ 編輯: jftsai 來自: (04/26 16:33)
jftsai:我還是改一下,照字面翻比較好 XDD 04/26 16:34
meja:http://tinyurl.com/36jzuw 04/26 16:54
acmonkey:我可以去球場旁邊賣芹菜嗎 04/26 17:04
Lum:那個賣菜的大嬸,過來! 04/26 17:34
AboutLittleP:這個真的很好笑 Tshirt也很好看(比較像白菜耶) 04/26 19:16
Automatic620:不丟芹菜 那丟高麗菜如何? XDDD 04/26 20:52
s6609y:我喜歡吃芹菜~~~~!!! 04/26 21:05
sheva7:一樓的圖實在太無言了... 04/27 00:26
truedawn:http://tinyurl.com/2r8bfd 04/27 04:30