精華區beta Chelsea 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ 引述《anarchy (MAKEpovertyHISTORY)》之銘言: : 前幾天 聽網路廣播 : 忽然聽到有饒舌歌手 唱到 Jose Mourinho : 在網路上查到這首歌名和藝人 : 藝人叫做Example是Fulham地區出身 : 差不多是在1分58秒時 由於英文太爛 不太知道歌詞在唱啥 XDXD 所以不知是褒是扁 XD : (不過好像還聽到其他樂團藝人的名稱也被點名了) : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=11QcvJHaNxo
: 不過還算是很有趣的饒舌樂 (英式數來寶) XD 補一下歌詞..嘿嘿.. Track: You Can’t Rap Lyrics: Example Produced by: Rusher Chorus: You can’t rap my friend you’re white and you’re from Fulham Please put down the mic there’s no way you can fool them Don’t be stupid you wont get that far Turn your back on Hip Hop bruv and go and play guitar Verse 1: Of all the possibilities I ever coulda chosen Supposing career wise I’d picked hip hop Imagine all the tip top rappers’ bottom lips drop Sittin there shocked that some other bloody shit hot Dude with a mullet, bussin shorts wearing flip flops Is spittin to a gathering lookin like a criss cross Of fans lovin Prodigy, Kylie and Slipknot Nearly coulda happened bruv, look at me I shit not Little Elliot, rhymes for the hell-of-it If only he was ghetto mans maybe we would sell-a-bit I tried hard to dig up the credentials Even thought about putting gold in my dentals An Anglo-Saxon with a broken accent But rapper’s from Fulham get a strange reaction So I said bye to rap, saw the issue at hand Some guitar lessons later, formed my own band Chorus: You can’t rap my friend you’re white and you’re from Fulham Please put down the mic there’s no way you can fool them Don’t be stupid you wont get that far Turn your back on Hip Hop bruv and go and play guitar Verse 2: Attention Seeking - how far should a man go? Cut his ear off like Vincent Van Gogh? Dash cash to the crowd so the venue scrambles Turn my good life into a Babyshambles? Fuck myself up real properly, like Pete Doherty Cover of Heat I’m hot property Everybody’s clockin’ me I own the crowd Now I gotta link me up with a Girls Aloud Next exchange vows now my pops is proud There’s a nine on my cloud I’m as pleased - As I ever been bro, mans flash like Jose Mourinho Women crave me like bottles of Pinot Now I’ve got big I can fight photographers Bang the obvious, please biographers Spend currency til there aint none left And when I need more I’ll fake my own death Chorus: You can’t rap my friend you’re white and you’re from Fulham Please put down the mic there’s no way you can fool them Don’t be stupid you wont get that far Turn your back on Hip Hop bruv and go and play guitar Verse 3 Right now it’s just hit and miss, soon I’ll taste a bit of bliss Bangin chicks at worst with looks like Jayne Middlemiss Never doin’ hideous, it’s too bad for busi-ness I spin when they grin with skin like Darth Sidious Never out-riddle this, you’re all chattin gibberish Verbal Diarrhoea so you’re never getting rid of this I hear your retorts there’s All Sorts like liquorice I can sense your bitterness, you wishin’ you written this Chorus: You can’t rap my friend you’re white and you’re from Fulham Please put down the mic there’s no way you can fool them Don’t be stupid you wont get that far Turn your back on Hip Hop bruv and go and play guitar -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: Ladywolf 來自: (02/04 23:02)
dyce:咦﹖是讚的喔! 02/04 23:07
Kel:對阿 看起來不錯阿 02/04 23:09
wei7515:是好事耶,而且還是富勒姆出身的 XD 02/04 23:18