精華區beta Chelsea 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://chelsea.sina.com.cn/news/2007-02-16/20051263.html 切爾西足球俱樂部今天在開始建立了一個足球品牌:YouTube頻道(Channel on YouTube) ,這是網路上的首創。   該頻道(www.youtube.com/chelseafc)將報導切爾西足球俱樂部的內容,包括每日新 聞和視頻資料,同時將包括創新性的內容,包括來自球迷的回饋和貢獻。另外,一些幸運 的球迷將有機會出現在切爾西電視臺(CTV)中。   切爾西俱樂部首席執行官彼得-肯揚說:"我們很高興與YouTube合作。切爾西是第一 家來到(網路上的)足球俱樂部,很明顯,網路是發展速度最快的新媒體平臺之一。這將讓 我們以一種獨一無二的方式為我們的球迷們提供令人興奮的切爾西足球俱樂部的內容,同 時這是一個全新的吸引新的受眾的機會。"   該品牌頻道將與重新設計的切爾西俱樂部官方網站(www.chelseafc.com)在視覺和感 覺上保持一致,它代表了切爾西在多媒體平臺策略上的最新里程碑。其中的內容將由切爾 西數字媒體提供,該仲介機構屬於切爾西俱樂部和天空電視臺共有,它們負責CTV和俱樂 部官方網站的運轉。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ http://football.guardian.co.uk/News_Story/0,,2014883,00.html?gusrc=rss&feed=5 Chelsea FC strike YouTube deal Paul Kelso Friday February 16, 2007 MediaGuardian.co.uk Chelsea have struck a deal to show archive footage and club news on YouTube, the first such deal to be done by a Premiership football club. The deal will see content from the club's subscription channel Chelsea TV appear in a branded area of the video-sharing website titled www.youtube.com/chelseafc. The site will feature daily news updates, archive footage of Chelsea games, and other features including jokes from Chelsea physio Billy McCulloch. (YouTube切爾西頻道會播放如每日新聞、球賽片段、物理治療師Billy愛說笑等等。) Restrictions in the Premier League's broadcast contract means live footage will not be shown. (現場轉播球賽當然是不可能 XD) Content is produced by Chelsea Digital Media, a joint venture subsidiary owned by Chelsea and BSkyB. Chelsea's chief executive, Peter Kenyon, said: "We are delighted to work with YouTube. Chelsea is the first football club to move into what is clearly one of the fastest-growing new media platforms." "This will allow us to offer our fans exciting Chelsea FC content in a very unique way, as well as an opportunity to reach a whole new audience." The deal comes as YouTube, recently purchased by Google for $1.65bn, moves to legitimise its content. The site's success was built on home-made video contributions and bootlegged clips posted by users - more than 100,000 are uploaded every day - but increasingly broadcasters and rights holders have sought to have content removed. Football is a huge driver of traffic to the site, with millions of clips and goals available. The Premier League has been in talks with YouTube over removing its content from the site, and entertainment giant Viacom recently demanded that YouTube remove 100,000 clips. Chelsea's move, however, is an acknowledgement that some bootlegging is inevitable, so it is more productive to attempt to control the content that appears on the site. The BBC is considering a similar deal that would see programme clips and content appearing in a branded area of the website. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
kevinken:不知道會不會有每場比賽的HL 這樣就不用每次都去足媒找了 02/16 22:07
heavygauge:讚 不過最近youtube讀取有夠慢 02/16 22:25
JamesCaesar:http://tinyurl.com/3ytslm 02/16 23:09
Kel:YOUTUBE快掛了吧....囧 02/17 01:14
momo7426:對呀為什麼最近看YPUTUBE都看不太成 只有我這樣嗎? 02/17 02:30
heavygauge:不是吧 最近蠻多人在抱怨影片開不出來 02/17 04:16
stranck:我想是跟哪一家網路比較有關... orz 02/17 09:41
stranck:像之前震完我用香港的 i-cable 國外的通通打不開... 02/17 09:41
stranck:Youtube 就要一直試一直試... (種花電信?) 02/17 09:41
※ 編輯: jftsai 來自: (02/17 09:55)