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【Cindy的美食品賞】上海 Cafe des Stagiaires(中英對照) 圖文網頁:http://www.womany.net/read/article/1275 想要感受一下法國風情的話,就來 Cafe des Stagiaires 吧。這個溫馨的咖 啡店位於最近突然熱絡起來的永康路,小小的空間裡還提供了不少東西:咖 啡,啤酒,紅酒,甜點,比薩,肉類拼盤,等等。從店員到菜色,一切都非 常,非常的法蘭西。 For a little piece of France, visit Cafe des Stagiaires, a cozy bar and cafe on Yongkang Lu. What’s on the menu: coffee, beer, wine, charcuterie from their boucherie Les Garcons, pastry from their bakery La Boulangerie, and pizza from their neighboring pizzeria Pizza Peppone. It’s all very, very French. Click here to see my second visit. “I do not get drink – I get awesome,” 嘿嘿。 菜單,就是一張祇而已,真的很簡單。 The menu is a single sheet of paper, folded. 卡布其諾 (30元),好喝,而且還裝在一個可愛的瓷杯裡。 A lovely cup of Cappuccino (30 RMB) in a cute tin cup. 這裡的室內裝潢很有意思。可樂瓶做成的吊燈,還有貼滿雞蛋盒的天花板。 Couldn’t stop snapping pictures of the interior decor. Coke bottle chandelier, and a ceiling of egg crates. 這扇質樸的木門後是洗手間,牆上貼滿了國外學生的簡歷。想找實習生?去 廁所找找。 Through this rustic wooden door is the bathroom, with walls plastered with CVs of les stagiaires (trainees). La Chouffe 啤酒!讓我想起在比利時渡過的歡樂時光。這個 cafe 每天下午 4點至8點是 happy hour,渴著點來唷。 La Chouffe! Brings back memories of the good times in Belgium. The cafe also do a daily happy hour from 4:00-8:00pm. Come thirsty. 這個又可愛又可怕的鬍子老人,讓我想了 Le Fabuleux destin d’Amélie Poulain (天使愛美麗)裡面的被帶著到處旅遊拍照的小公仔。 Let’s end with a picture of this cute/creepy bearded man, who reminds me of the little traveling gnome from Amélie :) Click here to see my second visit. Cafe des Stagiaires 地址:上海市, 永康路54号, 近襄阳南路 電話:3425 0210 營業時間:10:00am~12:00am (周日休) 價位:[咖啡] 20~35元 [甜點] 10~30元 [比薩] 55~95元 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
bluefishyy:爆週日休....我也只有休周日啊啊>< 04/19 13:49