精華區beta Christianity 關於我們 聯絡資訊
荒漠甘泉 http://www.fhl.net/stream/6/0604.htm 原作∕Mrs. Charles E. Cowman ─────────────────────────────── 「耶和華……使海水一夜退去。」(聖經出埃及記十四章 21 節)   在這節聖經中有一個寶貴的信息,就是神在黑暗中工作。神當初為 祂的選民以色列人所行的神蹟,並非在白晝,乃是在黑夜 ── 在看不 見、摸不到、感覺不到的時候。   照樣,在你的黑暗中,雖然你看不見什麼,可是神正在工作。等天 一亮,你就會像當初的以色列人一樣,看見水已退去,有一條乾路,在 危險的環境中,要帶你平安過去。 ── C. H. P. "All that night" the Lord was working, Working in the tempest blast, Working with the swelling current, Flooding, flowing, free and fast. "All that night" God's children waited-- Hearts, perhaps in agony With the enemy behind them, And, in front, the cruel sea. "All that night" seemed blacker darkness Than they ever saw before, Though the light of God's own presence Near them was, and sheltered o'er. "All that night" that weary vigil Passed; the day at last did break, And they saw that God was working "All that night" a path to make. "All that night," O child of sorrow, Canst thou not thy heartbreak stay? Know thy God in darkest midnight Works, as well as in the day. --L. S. P. ─────────────────────────────── 本文錄自信望愛全球資訊網 http://www.fhl.net/ -- 信望愛全球資訊網 ── 與你分享耶穌基督、分享與人生 http://www.fhl.net/ 神要擦去他們一切的眼淚, ███ 不再有死亡, 也不再有悲哀、哭號、疼痛, 因為以前的事都過去了。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: