精華區beta Christianity 關於我們 聯絡資訊
荒漠甘泉 http://www.fhl.net/stream/10/1002.htm 原作∕Mrs. Charles E. Cowman ─────────────────────────────── 「耶穌就帶他們暗暗的離開那裡,往伯賽大城的野地裡去。」(聖 經路加福音九章 10 節,英文聖經直譯)   我們如果要在恩典上長進,必須多有單獨的時候,與人交往並不一 定會叫我們的靈得到多大長進。一小時安靜的禱告所給我們的進步,比 一整天與人的交往更多。野地裡有新鮮的露珠,有清潔的空氣,讓我們 退到那裡去呼吸吧! ── 彭納(Andrew Bonar) "Come ye yourselves apart and rest awhile, Weary, I know it, of the press and throng, Wipe from your brow the sweat and dust of toil, And in My quiet strength again be strong. "Come ye aside from all the world holds dear, For converse which the world has never known, Alone with Me, and with My Father here, With Me and with My Father not alone. "Come, tell Me all that ye have said and done, Your victories and failures, hopes and fears. I know how hardly souls are wooed and won: My choicest wreaths are always wet with tears. "Come ye and rest; the journey is too great, And ye will faint beside the way and sink; The bread of life is here for you to eat, And here for you the wine of love to drink. "Then fresh from converse with your Lord return, And work till, daylight softens into even: The brief hours are not lost in which ye learn More of your Master and His rest in Heaven." ─────────────────────────────── 本文錄自信望愛全球資訊網 http://www.fhl.net/ -- 信望愛全球資訊網 ── 與你分享耶穌基督、分享與人生 http://www.fhl.net/ 神要擦去他們一切的眼淚, ███ 不再有死亡, 也不再有悲哀、哭號、疼痛, 因為以前的事都過去了。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: