精華區beta Christina 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Billboard:https://goo.gl/5cgxay Pop diva Christina Aguilera is known for her big voice, over-the-top wardrobe and pop hits like “Genie in a Bottle” and “Fighter,” but the superstar earned her status as a gay icon for advocating for LGBTQ equality and representation over the course of her career. 流行天后 Christina Aguilera 以宏亮的歌聲、誇張的穿著和例如 「Genie in a Bottle」、「Fighter」等金曲出名,但這位超級巨星還在他的職業生涯中 倡議 LGBTQ 平權,贏得了同志偶像的地位。 In her Love Letter to the LGBTQ Community for Billboard, Christina called her LGBTQ fans her fighters, heroes and the reason she loves what she does. “The LGBTQ community has never had it easy,” she wrote. “The struggles each one of you faces daily on an individual level and on a broader political and cultural level are unimaginable, yet you keep fighting, you keep moving forward trailblazing and beating all odds with love always in your hearts.” 在他寫給 LGBTQ 社群的一封信中,Christina 稱他的 LGBTQ 粉絲們鬥士、英雄 和他愛他的工作的原因。「身為LGBTQ的一員從來就不容易」他說「你們每一位每天面對 各種小至個人大至政治文化層面的不同困難令人難以想像,但是你們始終以充滿內心的 愛,不斷地戰鬥不斷的向前,開疆闢土並克服萬難。」 Here are five times Xtina has lived out those values: 來看看五個 Xtina 以行動驗證這些價值的時刻 She reminded us that we’re beautiful In 2002, Christina dedicated her single “Beautiful” to the LGBTQ community, and the Jonas Åkerlund-directed music video earned Xtina a GLAAD Media Award for its positive portrayal of gay and transgender people. In her acceptance speech, Christina dedicated the song to “anyone who’s been discriminated against or unaccepted, unappreciated or disrespected just because of who [they] are." In 2011, U.K. LGBT rights organization Stonewall named "Beautiful" the most empowering song of the previous decade for gay, lesbian and bisexual people. https://youtu.be/eAfyFTzZDMM
他提醒我們我們是美麗的 2002 年 Christina 將他的單曲「Beautiful」獻給了 LGBTQ 社群 這部由Jonas Åkerlund 執導,正面描繪同志和跨性別的音樂錄影帶也替 Christina 贏來了 GLAAD 媒體獎。 在他的領獎演說中,Christina 將這首歌獻給「因為自己本質,而遭受到歧視、排斥 、輕視和不受尊重的任何人。」在 2011 年英國 LGBTQ 權利組織「石牆」將 Beautiful 命為十年間對男女同性戀及雙性戀最有力量的歌曲。 She called out myths around HIV In 2004, Christina lent her face to MAC Cosmetics for the 10th anniversary of its MAC AIDS Fund, which has raised more than $500 million exclusively through the sale of MAC’s VIVA Glam Lipstick and Lipglass donating all proceeds to fight HIV/AIDS since it began in 1994. In an interview promoting the campaign, Christina made it clear that HIV and AIDS don’t discriminate. “[People] think it can't happen to them or that it only happens to a certain stereotype or gender, but it [can affect] everyone's lives." 他喚起對 HIV 迷思的重視 2004 年,Christina 出面擔任 MAC 化妝品旗下愛滋基金會的代言人,自從 1994 年開始 光是 MAC 的 VIVA Glam 唇膏和唇蜜就募集了超過五億美元,並所有收益用於對抗 HIV/AIDS。在一次活動宣傳的訪問中,Christina 清楚的告訴大家 HIV/AIDS 並不會對人 有差別待遇。「(有些人)覺得 HIV/AIDS 只會感染某些人或性別,但事實上他會感染所有 人。」 She advocated for marriage equality In 2008, Aguilera spoke out against Proposition 8, a ballot measure amending California’s constitution to eliminate the right of same-sex couples to marry. In an interview with MTV News, she said, “Why would you put so much money behind something [aimed at] stopping people from loving each other? I just don't understand it.” 她提倡婚姻平權 在2008年,Chritina 公開反對禁止同性伴侶結婚的加州八號提案。他在MTV的訪問中表示 「我不懂為什麼會有人把這麼多錢,投入在阻止別人相愛上?我真的無法理解。」 She made this visual love letter for her fans as a response to the rise of gay bullying and suicides For the accompanying music video for her single “Let There Be Love,” Christina chose to dedicate the dance track to her LGBTQ fans. https://youtu.be/AYRfOozYUvk
Christina enlists kids, dancers and entertainers, including Nicole Richie and Christina Milian, to hold up signs with phrases and words like “no hate,” “equality” and “amo mi hijo gay” (“I love my gay son”). The video sparked a social movement, for which her fans sent her selfies making the letter “L” with their hands to represent the concept for “love.” https://goo.gl/HS4JWv 他用影像回應同志霸凌和自殺潮,力挺他的粉絲 Christina 將他的舞曲「Let There Be Love」音樂錄影帶獻給了他的 LGBTQ 粉絲, 在影片中他召集了孩子、舞者和包含 Nicole Richie、Christina Milian 的藝人, 高舉「不再仇恨」、「平等」和「我愛我的同志兒子」標語。這支影片在社群網站引起了 熱烈迴響,他的粉絲們紛紛上傳了用手指比出「L」,代表 Love 愛的自拍照給他。 She dedicated the song “Change” to Pulse victims and survivors After the mass shooting at LGBTQ nightclub Pulse -- where 49 people, mostly young, gay and Hispanic, lost their lives -- Christina dedicated the song “Change” to the victims and survivors with proceeds going directly to the victim’s families. Additionally, Christina wrote a strongly worded note addressing the shooting on her website encouraging everyone to embrace individuality and celebrate diversity. “The horrific tragedy that occurred in Orlando continues to weigh heavily on my mind,” she wrote. “We all have the choice to spread love, encourage individuality and make a difference to others -- we are all in this together, as one, united in love.” https://youtu.be/OBSghlH0JgM
他將「Change」這首歌獻給奧蘭多夜店槍擊案的生者和死者 在 LGBTQ 夜店「脈衝」,49 位以年輕人、同志和拉丁裔犧牲者為主的大規模槍擊案後, Christina 發行了單曲「Change」,並直接將收益捐獻給罹難者家屬。 除此之外,Christina 針對槍擊案在他的官方網站上,發表了一則強而有力的談話, 他鼓勵大家擁抱每個人的特質,以及讚頌每個人的差異。 「我的心不斷的為發生在奧蘭多的悲劇而沈重著。」他說「我們可以選擇散播愛、鼓舞 他人和改變別人的生命,以愛之名,我與你們同在。」 Well said and well done, Christina. 說得好,也做得好,Christina。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Christina/M.1514217450.A.870.html ※ 編輯: Daniel2468 (, 12/26/2017 00:00:38
nttu94310: 所以我說那個專輯…… 12/26 00:07