精華區beta Christina 關於我們 聯絡資訊
克莉絲汀女性垂涎 2005年02月26日 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 【李子凡╱綜合報導】裘德洛是《男人幫》雜誌票選中「最有可能誘使女人瞞著男友偷吃 的帥哥」,克莉絲汀則被選為「女性最想與她上床的名女人」。 裘德洛誘人偷情 百分之四十八的投票女性說,她們想與裘德洛偷情,奧蘭多布魯第二,得票率為百分之 三十五,其次是羅比威廉斯與大衛貝克漢。 Jude Law is the hunk who would be most likely to tempt women to cheat on their boyfriends, according to an FHM poll. Meanwhile, Christina Aguilera is named as the celebrity babe who girls would most like to sleep with. A total of 48% of women said they would have an affair with the 'Alfie' star. Orlando Bloom was the runner-up with 35% of the vote, followed by Robbie Williams and David Beckham. have an affair  偷情、外遇 例句:He has been having an affair with his secretary. 他和他的秘書搞外遇 蘋果日報 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: