精華區beta Christina 關於我們 聯絡資訊
克莉絲汀自打嘴巴斷財路 2005年03月19日 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 【李子凡╱綜合報導】克莉絲汀公開辱罵同儕後,失去推出新服裝品牌的授權合約。 專屬產品受影響 本月初,克莉絲汀表示明星擁有個人服裝品牌,是為了挽救下滑的演藝事業。 她的發言讓服裝公司老闆震怒,該公司的內部人員說:「她的專屬系列商品正要推出,這 麼說實在很怪。她非常難搞,但她簽了約。」 Pop star Christina Aguilera has lost a licensing agreement to launch a new clothing line, after publicly slagging off her peers who do just that. Earlier this month, the signer insisted stars with clothing lines are merely compensating for their flagging careers. Her comments have left chiefs at Basic Box angry, an Basic Box insider says, "That's a very strange thing to say when she's got her own range coming out. Dealing with Christina has been very difficult, but then she signed the contract." slag off 辱罵 例句:He slagged off the President in public. 他當眾辱罵元首。 2005年3月19日蘋果日報 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: