精華區beta Christina 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ [本文轉錄自 CSI 看板] 作者: nery (存在感微弱...) 看板: CSI 標題: [新聞]新的客串明星將出現在CSI:NY (可能有雷) 時間: Thu Nov 16 02:26:13 2006 有雷要空行嗎???(空一下甘無保必) Aguilera To Appear on 'CSI: NY' Pop star Christina Aguilera is set to guest star on CSI: New York in February. The episode will feature a storyline about battered women, which is an issue close to Aguilera's heart - she grew up in an abusive home and is a major contributor to a women's shelter in her hometown of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. CSI executive producer Anthony Zuiker tells TV Guide magazine, "Christina's a fan of the show, and we're excited to have her. The episode will probably explore the topic of battered women." The "Ain't No Other Man" singer isn't expected to play herself. Aguilera's music will also be featured in the episode. 資料來源:http://www.imdb.com/news/wenn/2006-11-15/ ============ 美國歌壇流行歌手:克莉斯汀(瓶中精靈那一個) 看樣子案件好像跟受虐婦女有關... NY真厲害...常常請到大明星客串耶... 這消息應該是真的吧@@ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: nery 來自: (11/16 02:26)
BIASONICA:如果哪天請到梅莉史翠普,那才是真正有夠大明星啊 >//< 11/16 02:33
asukasherry:包子大人親自出馬拉人,不知道可不可以請到一些超級大 11/16 02:50
asukasherry:咖,他跟阿甘應該也不錯吧?電影裡不知道共事多少回了 11/16 02:50
LizzyDarcy:借轉Christina版 ^^ 11/16 03:10
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
jendarx:哇好期待喔...小克在戲劇圈應該會越來越多表現吧!!! 11/16 11:31
destinysboy:沒想到世人對小克的印象還停留在瓶中精靈的階段... 11/16 19:59
devildennis:世人....那我們都是成仙了嗎?.....|||| 11/16 21:32
POYUANG:別這樣說。只是我們現在都不走路了,都用飄的。XD 11/17 10:42
x94vul3e04:龜裂仙斑 11/19 01:14
x94vul3e04:天啊 我剛才發現我手滑了 SORRY 11/20 12:09
ivylovebaby:會不會演成Samantha啊 就NY的婦女...XD 11/21 02:47
jendarx:Samantha XDDD 11/28 01:06