精華區beta Christina 關於我們 聯絡資訊
"Beautiful" brings people to tears Christina's "Beautiful" makes the Top 10 Saddest Songs in a scientific survey out today! Dr Harry Witchel carried out the research and claims that scientifically "Beautiful ranked #8 in the list of songs which bring more people to tears than any others. The scientific test measured people's heart rate, breathing and skin temperature as they listened to a variety of tear jerkers. Source: http://www.christinaaguilera.com/ 有一陣子的新聞了... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
YaJay:我覺得光良新單曲 I Am Who I Am 的mv有 Beautiful 的影子 12/25 20:22
Rdkl1e9z:外國人真的很閒~該說細心還是無聊 居然用到皮膚溫度 12/25 21:35
vicein:那我們來猜猜看 hurt 會第幾名吧 ^Q^ 12/26 01:24
devildennis:還有VIVIAN的愛笑的眼睛 12/26 10:25
wwwayneya:光良那支MV都找一些長的不錯的普通人來拍沒什麼說服力.. 12/30 14:05