精華區beta Christina 關於我們 聯絡資訊
中段的內容,點頭如搗蒜啊... 小克在做自己的同時懂得如何拿捏分寸 這就是我一直把小克視為模範的原因哪 -- Grammy winning pop diva Christina Aguilera has defended her former friend and rival Britney Spears and her parenting skills, which have come under fire recently. According to Contact Music, Christina, who is currently expecting her own child, said "Britney is a good person and a good mom. She's been under so much pressure since she was a child. I don't think any of us should judge her or jump to conclusions. She loves her boys (Sean Preston and Jayden James) and they're turning out great." One might argue Christina isn't the best judge of Britney's current state of mind or parenting skills considering the two haven't been close since childhood, and haven't even seen each other in years. I believe Britney sent Christina and her husband Jordan a wedding gift after they were married, and Christina sent Britney baby gifts after each of her children were born, but that has been the extent of their relationship for a very long time. But either way, kudos Christina for at least giving Britney the benefit of the doubt and not jumping on the Britney-bashing bandwagon (as fun a ride as it is). I often hear people say these days, "who knew Christina would turn out to be the sane one", which sort of puzzles me. When did Christina ever show any signs of being insane? Even during her infamous "dirrty" days, she may have been wearing racy outfits and dancing provocatively in her music videos but she always was in control, and seemed like she had a good grasp of herself and her life. It's completely different from Britney's current state where she just seems to be crumbling. Regardless, CPS has visited Spears' home on multiple occasions and the children have never been removed from the home. I don't believe she's ever even had a hearing, so the professionals seem to think she is doing an alright job of parenting her children. Many people are speculating as to whether Spears can make a real comeback, especially in light of the trainwreck of a mini-tour she recently embarked on that caused even Madonna's brother to bash Britney's mess of a show, but no matter how hard she falls people always love a good comeback. We'll just have to wait and see if her fans haven't outgrown her music. source: http://blogcritics.org/archives/2007/07/18/203141.php -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
edwinchen:對不起…小弟請求翻譯 囧 07/25 15:20
hikkiyo:這個時候為了求翻譯下面推文就要裝做看不懂哦!XD 07/25 21:40