精華區beta Christina 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Christina Aguilera Talks Body & Style Criticisms; Says Boyfriend 'Loves' Her Figure She may be a blogs fixture for her hair, clothes or figure, but "The Voice's" lone lady coach, Christina Aguilera, is totally comfortable in her own skin. "I've been in this for a long time. I came out on the scene when I was 17 years old. 'You can never be too much of anything. You can never be too prefect, too thin, too curvy, too voluptuous,' this, that. I've been on all sides of the spectrum. [Every] female in this business at one time or another has had criticism... and I'm always a risk taker too," Christina said on Friday during NBC’s "The Voice" panel at the Television Critics Association Winter Session in Pasadena. "I'm very confident in my body," the singer continued. "I think my video works over the years have spoken to that... I've been no stranger to being very comfortable in my own skin," she added. Christina said despite the "massive scrutiny," she's happy and her boyfriend, Matthew Rutler, loves her curves. "As long as I'm happy in my own skin, that's all I need, that's all the confirmation I need. I'm happy where I am, I have a boyfriend love that loves my body, I love my body, my son is healthy and happy. That's all that matters, "she said. The blonde said she also enjoys mentoring her "Voice" female team members, sharing her own experiences with body image and style criticisms. "Being in a position to coach these young girls, is really a great thing for me to be able to share that with them, and also sharing my highs and lows along the way. I'm very open on the show about all of that," she said. In related "The Voice" news, show host and producer Carson Daly noted that when the show does return, it will feature a more unique crop of contestants than seen previously. "Season 1 hit the air and people aspiring to be in this space didn't really know what to make of 'The Voice,' where it sat with the other competition shows, thought they knew, didn't want to sit in the cattle call, but what happened was the level of talent in Season 1 was so high... when [we] went in early for Season 2... working musicians... maybe [people] signed to a small label, people who really want to make it, who never would have stood in line for any other show came out," he said. "Whatever you thought of Season 1, this [new talent crop] is way, way, way higher." "The Voice" premieres February 5, after the Super Bowl on NBC. And when it does, the four celebrity coaches — Christina, Blake Shelton, Adam Levine and Cee Lo Green — will have eight new superstar friends helping them out. -- 【Seizing My Days】 Britney Spears is my virtue, and Christina Aguilera is the demon I cling to. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
nttu94310:...... 01/08 00:37
nttu94310:這個標題不太適合收精華區 01/08 00:38
※ 編輯: hankxtina 來自: (01/08 00:42)
hankxtina:哈哈哈哈哈!那我改一下好了!XDDD 01/08 00:43
edwinchen:強烈贊成新專輯封面走不露臉路線,概念取勝,為了環保 01/08 00:43
edwinchen:也請歌詞本大概兩頁就好 01/08 00:44
hankxtina:可是她變那麼肥,衣服要買更大件,也是不環保啊!...... 01/08 00:44
edwinchen:一人一信支持她宣傳期全裸上陣 01/08 00:52
hankxtina:哈哈哈哈!這樣就真的超級環保!XDDDDDDDDDD 01/08 00:53
hankxtina:如果有人真的完全看不懂內文,我再翻成中文吧!(現在懶 01/08 00:54
hankxtina:得翻啦!XD) 01/08 00:54
foamb:豬體 XDDD 01/08 01:11
foamb:"I'm very confident in my body" 唉... @@ 01/08 01:15
ro348675:I'm very worried about your new album...... 01/08 01:21
forlornevan:突然很期待封面跟內頁... 01/08 02:14
as9595:WTH!!! 加大尺碼有在贊助他嘛? 怎麼不減肥 Q.Q 01/08 02:35
kouta:建議這次換成跟愛戴兒看齊 01/08 03:41
socrazy:皇家修圖團隊召集人表示:感謝Xtina恩賜工作機會 01/08 08:24
socrazy:據媒體報導由於瑪丹娜近年演藝生涯短暫休息的緣故,皇家修 01/08 08:25
socrazy:圖團隊已經放了好幾個月的無薪假,這次Xtina釋出不減肥 01/08 08:25
socrazy:發新專輯的消息,對團隊來說無疑是一大利多。 01/08 08:25
rollin:還有瑪咪咪阿XDDD 01/08 11:38
tommy770726:肥咪已經不需要修圖團了 01/08 16:26
laipipi:只好祈求他聲音能恢復一些,不然根本就不想買了 01/08 18:27
adorable:不期待也不看好 聲音身材都沒有是要賣什麼? 01/08 20:02
flutepj:限定只能拍肩膀以上,只能拍側面 01/09 12:13
as9595: 背面 01/09 15:24
gagabrit:剪娃娃頭然後瀏海蓋到脖子,正!!! 01/09 15:52
herohoney:總之期待!!!!!! 01/09 16:28
edwinchen:第一次希望她聲音後製多一點,不然真的沒身材又沒聲音 01/09 16:43
edwinchen:近照 http://0rz.tw/JBGjV http://0rz.tw/z8wKu 01/09 16:45
edwinchen:更肥美了,奶也更外擴了 (掩面) 01/09 16:46
hankxtina:肥成這樣,以後要是真的瘦回來皮一定很鬆!== 01/09 17:18
edwinchen:克: 我根本沒有打算要瘦下來啊 (啃炸雞貌) 01/09 19:08
puretd:好意思搔首弄姿 OMG 01/10 00:56
chris0843:連背都被綁帶擠出沒有乳頭的奶來了 01/10 02:58
light20735:被我猜對了!!這叛逆的女人只要人家說他肥他一定會說 01/10 13:42
light20735:I love~~~ my body!!!It's perfect~~~ 01/10 13:42
kouta:不然以後一直跟他說 你好像變瘦了 01/10 15:17
densmore:皮鬆就拉皮好了。 01/16 00:06