精華區beta Christina 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Bruce Springsteen, Christina Aguilera Top NBC's All-Star Sandy Benefit Jon Bon Jovi, Sting and Billy Joel also playing fundraiser for hurricane victims By Rolling Stone November 1, 2012 8:35 AM ET Bruce Springsteen will play a televised benefit concert on NBC for victims of Hurricane Sandy Friday with Jon Bon Jovi, Sting, Christina Aguilera and Billy Joel, the network announced this morning. Matt Lauer will host the show, and Brian Williams and Jimmy Fallon will also appear. The concert special "Hurricane Sandy: Coming Together" will air Friday at 8 p.m. EST on NBC, USA, MSNBC, CNBC, Bravo, E!, Style Network and G4, and online at NBC.com, Today.com and NBCNews.com. Money collected will go to the American Red Cross, which is providing food, shelter and other support to those affected by the hurricane and other disasters. To donate, visit RedCross.org or call 1-800-RED-CROSS, or text the word REDCROSS to 90999 to make a $10 donation. Read more: http://www.rollingstone.com/movies/news/bruce-springsteen-christina-aguilera-top-nbcs-all-star-sandy-benefit-20121101#ixzz2AyengfnO -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: nttu94310 來自: (11/01 21:30)
nttu94310:本周五喔~ 11/01 21:35
nttu94310:搞不好其他新歌會先曝光 > < 11/01 21:35
nttu94310:不要又唱 Lift Me Up 11/01 21:36
light20735:做善事給推~~不過她做善事也是懶得宣傳 11/01 22:16
black366678:突然又想起為海地賑災時 那個短髮 淡妝 纖細的小克 11/01 22:23
moo885588:重點是纖細嗎 QQ 11/01 22:32
Rainie2676:唱新歌Light Up The Sky啦 !! 感覺很應景~~ 11/01 23:57
hankxtina:我也覺得做善事就不太可能宣傳!Orz... 11/02 11:03
devildennis:75%-beautiful 15%-Lift me up 7%-經典勵志老歌 11/02 11:05
devildennis:3%-新專輯歌曲....Orz....我猜啦XDDD 11/02 11:05
nttu94310:推樓上XD 11/02 14:13
nobodyshome:她最近是不是剩美麗跟(沒鬥志聲音又乾的)鬥士可以唱了 11/02 16:14
nobodyshome:應該不會苦情到唱lift me up觀眾以為是新歌吧= =+ 11/02 16:15
black366678:好像真的是唱Beautiful XD 11/03 08:50
nobodyshome:d大神準XDDD 11/03 14:14