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http://goo.gl/62wdF Cee Lo Green Nears Deal to Join Christina Aguilera on Season 5 of 'The Voice,' Says NBC Exec (Exclusive) Sparkly outfits, busty tops and funky glasses will be back on "The Voice" for Season 5. Cee Lo Green is in advanced negotiations to return to Season 5 of "The Voice" alongside Christina Aguilera, according to an NBC executive with knowledge of the situation. "We are not there yet, but working toward it," said the executive. As TheWrap reported earlier on Monday, Aguilera is already set to return next season as a coach on NBC's hit singing competition. Aguilera has signed her contract to return to the NBC talent competition, an individual with knowledge of the deal has told TheWrap. According to the insider, Aguilera's return has been kept under wraps for a couple of months. Also read: Insider: 'American Idol' to Axe All 4 Judges as Part of Massive Makeover (Exclusive) The pop diva will be paid $12.5 million for Season 5, said the executive with knowledge of the deal. Another insider close to the negotiations said Aguilera made about $17 million when she was a coach on Season 3, which made her one of the highest paid women on reality TV. The insider said she could earn a figure as high as that again, depending on the number of hours she appeared. (Believe it or not, "Voice" coaches are paid by the hour.) Green would not make anywhere near Aguilera's salary. Negotiations are still underway for coaches Adam Levine and Blake Shelton, who are also expected to return, the insider said. For comparison, Mariah Carey currently makes a reported $18 million on Fox's "American Idol" and Britney Spears made a reported $15 million on "The X Factor." See video: Christina Aguilera Sings 'At Last' at Etta James Memorial Aguilera announced that she was leaving "The Voice" last December to promote her "Lotus" album and tour. Cee Lo Green also announced his exit at the same time. Shakira and Usher replaced them on the current season. At the time, executive producer Mark Burnett played down the departures, saying that he expected that his coaches would rotate in and out as they are working artists. He also said they were always welcome to return. Shakira is likely to return in a future season. "The Voice" has quickly risen to the top of the reality talent show ranks over its past four seasons. Last year, it took "Idol's" spot in the Emmy race, replacing it among the nominees in the Outstanding Reality Competition category. In April, it reached a ratings milestone when its two installments took the top two slots for the week in both the advertiser-coveted 18-49 demographic and in total viewers for the first time in the series' history. "The Voice" airs Mondays and Tuesdays at 8 p.m./7c on NBC. \瘦身回歸/\瘦身回歸/\瘦身回歸/\瘦身回歸/\瘦身回歸/ 是說我看到有的新聞是寫 17 million不知道實際薪水是多少。 下棋啦掰掰~。XD -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: nttu94310 來自: (05/14 18:32)
black366678:話說下棋啦還沒有利用The Voice打歌欸 怎麼那麼不會算 05/14 18:36
nttu94310:克表演 Make The World Move的時候打過歌了 XD 05/14 18:39
black366678:對啊 克都利用The Voice打了三首歌 05/14 18:40
black366678:下棋啦怎麼不順勢發個單曲XD 05/14 18:40
nttu94310:其實我是說表演 MTMW的時候幫下棋啦打過歌了 XDDD 05/14 18:47
black366678:喔喔哈哈哈 我忘了前奏幫下棋啦打過歌了啦XD 05/14 18:56
socrazy:還好耶!shakira大姊好像沒在care這個的,她新專輯首波單曲 05/14 19:44
socrazy:的mv去年6月就拍好了。但她大姊現在說結束這一季之後還要 05/14 19:45
socrazy:回家陪小孩順便修新專輯,等秋天才發...... 05/14 19:46
Daniel2468:http://ppt.cc/--BN The Wrap的報導 05/14 22:49
Daniel2468:搜尋了一下好像至少有12M... 05/14 22:50
Daniel2468:不過除了簽約金是不是會有額外收入? 05/14 22:50
Daniel2468:因為有的報導說她Season3賺了17M 05/14 22:50
Daniel2468:但是簽約金是10M...前兩季他的酬勞是其他人的兩倍! 05/14 22:53
Daniel2468:第三季不知道...話說她這季似乎最好抓住觀眾 05/14 22:54
Daniel2468:有風聲Shakira未來有可能回到The Voice 05/14 22:55
Daniel2468:而且Shakira風評不差,雖然BT下載速度下降不少就是了 05/14 22:55
Daniel2468:話說雖然克有時候真的很Nasty,但是下棋啦好無聊... 05/14 22:57
black366678:大概只有像我們這樣的人才忍受的了克的Nasty吧XD 05/14 23:44
black366678:The Voice的臉書一直有人在捧下棋啦 叫克不要回來 05/14 23:45
black366678:實在有夠annoying 05/14 23:45
Daniel2468:Facebook一直都有人罵她啊...一直都罵很兇 05/15 00:12
star951357:沒Tour了 05/15 00:23
Daniel2468:http://ppt.cc/canX 有投票...QQ 05/15 21:23
black366678:嗚嗚 輸了QQ 05/15 21:28
Daniel2468:一開始是贏的ˊ_>ˋ差距有變小喔 05/15 23:19
nobodyshome:那收視率有差很多嗎? 05/15 23:32
Daniel2468:http://ppt.cc/iiK9 確定了! 05/16 04:55