精華區beta Christina 關於我們 聯絡資訊
娛樂週刊顯然有個雞姐大飯,今天看不下去這兩天來輿論對雞姐的撻伐, 出來護航了 XD 然後文章有提到今年會跟 Jennifer Hudson在 Grammy上表演唷~ Christina Aguilera's 'Star-Spangled' flub: It's time to forgive http://popwatch.ew.com/2011/02/07/super-bowl-christina-aguilera-star-spangled-\ banner/ To all this I have a response: Can we all take a minute and just calm down please? I’m not condoning what happened — Aguilera messed up part of the ever-important national anthem, switching out the line “O’er the ramparts we watched, were so gallantly streaming” with her own creation of “What so proudly we watched, at the twilight’s last gleaming” — but it was just that: a simple mistake. She didn’t hurt anyone. The world is still spinning. The Super Bowl continued with its ridiculous amounts of fanfare and promotional activities and commercials and Gatorade dumping. Aguilera even apologized: “I can only hope that everyone could feel my love for this country and that the true spirit of its anthem still came through.” And it’ s not even like the diva’s career is over because of the flub: Aguilera will apparently sing at the Grammys this Sunday alongside Jennifer Hudson. Can a girl get a break? -- -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
LizzyDarcy:又有表演啦?很奇怪 也不紅了還是很多頒獎愛找她表演 02/08 10:38
LizzyDarcy:不知道要唱甚麼歌? 02/08 10:38
nttu94310:這次都沒入圍還要去表演喔XDDDDDD 希望不會再搞砸... 02/08 11:04
j54352860314:要表演!!!!!!!!!!我好開心喔~~~~ 飛上天了~~ 02/08 11:25
j54352860314:還有Jennifer Hudson有什麼來頭嗎...?他誰阿 02/08 11:26
j54352860314:喔喔他要像艾瑞莎弗蘭克林致敬XDD 就像2007年那場一 02/08 11:34
Rfed:奧斯卡跟葛來美雙得主而已,沒什麼來頭~ 02/08 11:36
j54352860314:樣 02/08 11:36
j54352860314:哈哈 謝謝啦XD 02/08 11:37
nttu94310:珍哈要出心專輯了說~ 02/08 12:05
tommy770726:珍哈個性好也很優秀 跟小克一起表演應該很讚 02/08 13:08
tommy770726:終於可以看到兩個厚聲天厚尬聲了 02/08 13:08
earthrise:小克板 真的非常暖 02/08 13:14
Mystic666:還以為他沒要去葛萊美!!!!!!!!!喔耶>< 02/08 13:20
moo885588:跟珍哈合唱嗎?也太棒了!!!!!!!衝破音響GO!!!!!!!!! 02/08 13:42
herohoney:拜託一定要表演Castle Walls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 02/08 13:49
herohoney:珍哈去wiki一下吧......絕對嚇死你!! 02/08 13:51
pavellin:e大XD 幾天後又來寒流了..大家要常來逛雞版(被打) 02/08 15:01
j54352860314:= = 他們要向艾瑞莎弗蘭克林致敬啦!!!!! 02/08 15:13
j54352860314:就像2007年那場一樣!! 而且好像是開場嘉賓喔? 02/08 15:14
moo885588:好可怕XDDDDD 小克加油~~~~~~ 02/08 15:24
IXTHYS:加油~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 02/08 16:12
chspfang:把那些入圍者電死死吧!!! 02/08 17:07
chspfang:珍哈的唱腔我沒很愛耶Q_Q 02/08 17:14
j54352860314:我也是= = 好刺耳 02/08 17:14
chspfang:珍哈的唱腔比較偏像典型黑人喜歡在高音混音那種 02/08 17:16
as9595:推~有大大可以翻譯一下嘛!!!?看不懂> " < !! 期待!!! 02/08 20:58
as9595:希望小克這次可以來個力挽狂瀾!! 讓那些批評的人,知道自己 02/08 20:59
as9595:的無知!!! 珍哈好多喉音...不是很愛~ 但還是喜歡!!!! 02/08 21:00
tenoe:不過憑最近雞姐的狀況,要和珍哈硬幹,輸的可能性很大><" 02/08 21:13
tenoe:娛樂周刊真是我們的好朋友!正義之聲!(無誤) 02/08 21:14
flysky2:http://0rz.tw/d1XKj 幫縮網址 02/08 23:12
flysky2:大意是說大家不要對小克這麼嚴苛,雖然她真的唱錯國歌歌詞 02/08 23:13
flysky2:但這不是什麼驚天動地的事,地球依舊在轉動,超級盃也和那 02/08 23:14
flysky2:些促銷活動+廣告一同照常舉行XD 02/08 23:15
flysky2:最後也提到小克有道歉,並且說這不會是小克Diva生涯的終點 02/08 23:16
flysky2:因為小克接下來要在葛來美和珍哈一起表演了XD 02/08 23:16
as9595:好感人~ 這個週刊記者寫的太好了!!! 也謝謝樓上大大~!!!! 02/08 23:59
as9595:期待葛萊美~ 好像是下週一舉行對吧!!!! 02/08 23:59
as9595:Star World會轉播喔!!!!! 大家記得看喔!!!! 02/09 00:00
IXTHYS:我最近好愛Star World 02/09 00:19
steven21w:請問 Sart World是電視收看 還是 有直播網址? 02/09 00:20
LizzyDarcy:是電視台 衛視合家歡台 我們家是CH45 02/09 09:41
as9595:我們家也有喔!!! 也是CH45,播出時間是星期一的晚上九點!! 02/09 13:20
j54352860314:應該是早上九點現場直播,晚上八點重播喔!!!! 02/09 18:25
j54352860314:偏偏那天早上要上學晚上要補習= = ... 02/09 20:46
as9595:0.0 真的耶~~~ 是早上九點!!! 抱歉>"< 說錯了... 02/09 23:18
angelavril:終於有人看不下去了!!!小克真的好衰喔大家都一直砲轟:( 02/10 00:31
deanimn1:這篇報導下面民眾的comment還真直接...但好像也有點中肯 02/10 15:51
deanimn1:I cared less about her messing up the lyrics and more 02/10 15:51
deanimn1:about her straining on the higher notes and the 02/10 15:52
deanimn1:embarassment that was the cracking at the end. 02/10 15:52
deanimn1:It is what it is. 02/10 15:53
moo885588:那是雜訊XDDDD 02/10 22:49
deanimn1:雜訊最大聲的時候 戰鬥機剛好飛過去 有稍稍掩飾一點XD 02/10 22:54
IAmFreeAndU:對上珍哈 兇多吉少 只能看珍哈要不要喉下留情... 02/12 20:27
IAmFreeAndU:珍哈的LIVE 從來沒有搞砸過 連I'M EVERY WOMAN都硬幹 02/12 20:28
IAmFreeAndU:雞姐趕快先打好照面吧...不然現在的狀態 只能被巴了 02/12 20:29
tommy770726:有點淒涼感 如果在粿後期或B2B初期情況會完全相反 02/12 21:49
tommy770726:我們應該會很期待看小克電爆珍哈 02/12 21:50
angelavril:珍哈現場真的沒話說..小克以前也很威阿但現在就...... 02/13 02:50
as9595:樓上不要再說了...(拭淚) 02/13 12:29