精華區beta Christina 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://ppt.cc/Wpik 雖然菲姬也被罵XDD 第二段實在是揪感心 Christina Aguilera's National Anthem Flub Defended By Fergie Christina Aguilera is at the center of some heated controversy for flubbing a few lines during her rendition of the national anthem at Sunday's Super Bowl XLV. Fergie, who performed with the rest of the Black Eyed Peas during halftime of the Pittsburgh Steelers and Green Bay Packers championship game, has come to the pop star's defense, emphasizing the pressure to entertain at such a high-profile gig. "You know what? It's such a huge venue, your nerves take a hold of you," Fergie said during sportscaster Dan Patrick's radio show. "I completely understand. She's one of the best singers of our time. Nobody can take that away from you. ... But you get nervous at these things. We're human." Aguilera ran into some trouble early on in her rendition of the patriotic tune by singing "What so proudly we watched at the twilight's last reaming," instead of "O'er the ramparts we watched, were so gallantly streaming." Shortly after the NFL broadcast, the songstress apologized in a statement that read: "I got so caught up in the moment of the song that I lost my place. I can only hope that everyone could feel my love for this country and that the true spirit of its anthem still came through." Fergie also addressed the imperfections in her own halftime performance, which included special appearances by Usher and Slash. "Some of my notes were pitchy to me," the starlet admitted. "It was so exhilarating. The whole thing. It was so big. That's a once-in-a-lifetime thing." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ http://udn.com/NEWS/ENTERTAINMENT/ENT4/6137960.shtml 超級盃唱國歌忘詞 克莉絲汀糗了 聯合報╱記者蘇詠智/綜合報導 2011.02.08 09:34 am 克莉絲汀超級盃美式足球冠軍賽開場唱國歌,被網友抓包指她忘詞。 法新社 前陣子專輯、電影在美國反應都不算理想的克莉絲汀,好不容易爭取到在收視超高的超級 盃美式足球冠軍賽開場唱國歌,卻被網友抓包指她忘詞,重振事業不成反變公眾笑柄。 每年超級盃美式足球賽開場秀,因觀眾人數超多,只有高知名度或人氣當紅的藝人才有機 會亮相,克莉絲汀近期事業雖走下坡,還算是大咖,她也希望藉此演出振衰起敝,甚至表 示自己從7歲就開始演唱國歌,能在超級盃演出有如美夢成真。 可惜克莉絲汀的美夢竟然是噩夢,她唱到第四句時明顯漏了好幾字,立刻被眼尖的網友發 現,火速在網路上傳開,各大八卦網站紛紛轉貼她的演唱實況,她也一下子再成為各方消 遣調侃的目標。眼看事情愈鬧愈大,她只好回應:「我只能希望所有人都能感受到我對這 國家的愛,國歌的真實精神能夠繼續傳達出來。」 近10年內,超級盃表演最糗的是賈斯汀撕破珍娜傑克森的衣服,露出胸前一點,引起軒然 大波。克莉絲汀唱國歌忘詞,短期內很尷尬,長遠來看應不致有類似「珍奶秀」那樣的傷 害。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 現在有點不懂到底是漏了歌詞還是唱錯行 然後小克回應的原文是 "I can only hope that everyone could feel my love for this country and that the true spirit of its anthem still came throgh." -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: nttu94310 來自: (02/08 10:26)
LizzyDarcy:真得好慘! 好像人在走霉運時 怎麼檔也檔不了阿 02/08 10:26
pavellin:是唱錯段詞啦 02/08 10:33
pavellin:Over the ramparts we watched, were so gallantly 02/08 10:35
pavellin:streaming 唱成 What so proudly we watched at the 02/08 10:35
pavellin:twilight’s last gleaming... 02/08 10:36
pavellin:唱錯把hailed唱成watched...感覺是真的是忘詞... 02/08 10:39
pavellin:只記得這段有個watched 所以拿上段的詞來補... 02/08 10:40
pavellin:(雞姐心聲:有唱總比沒唱好...Lalala混過去不是死得更慘) 02/08 10:41
j54352860314:對嘛難道要站在那裡發呆嗎? 02/08 11:19
tommy770726:對阿 至少有想詞 難不成大家想聽她一直哈跟say嗎= = 02/08 13:04
tommy770726:她跟粿時期比唱法已經收斂超多了 02/08 13:05
earthrise:打比方來說 就是我們的國歌被唱成"三民主義 物產豐隆" 02/08 13:11
deanimn1:而且這篇報導也有提到小克的回應 是有誠意的解釋跟道歉的 02/08 13:17
deanimn1:但上一篇中文新聞斷章取義 說小克應坳@@ 02/08 13:18
Mystic666:We're human. 02/08 13:21
moo885588:We're human. 02/08 14:00
chspfang:話說菲姬這次的現場也被罵到翻~我是覺得沒那麼糟阿 02/08 17:09
angelavril:菲姬人真好!小克很有誠意道歉態度很好阿!!!!! 02/10 00:32
IAmFreeAndU:想看菲姬唱美國國歌 再給我用唸的啊!! XDDD 02/12 20:31
AALLSS:哈哈哈推樓上,我也想看她唱XDDDD 02/13 17:44
forlornevan:o! say! can you see~ by the dawn's early li-light 02/13 18:58