精華區beta Christina 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://celebritybabyscoop.com/2011/09/02/jordan-bratman-max-father-son-friday Jordan Bratman and his adorable son Max, 3, were spotted as they left their home in Los Angeles, Calif. for an afternoon of father-son bonding on Friday (September 2). Looks like Max was thoroughly enjoying being carried and tickled by his doting dad. Meanwhile, Max' mom - Jordan's ex Christina Aguilera - is fighting back against allegations that she had abused her son after photos of him with an apparent black eye surfaced on gossip website MediaTakeOut. “To imply that she had something to do with this incident, without any investigation on your part whatsoever, is reckless and unconscionable,” Christina's attorney said in a letter to the website. “Christina is a wonderful mother and was not present in the park when Max fell and hurt himself.” “There are lines you’re just not supposed to cross, and that’s one of them, ” the attorney told Entertainment Weekly. “Accusing a mother—even hinting that a mother is guilty of child abuse, that’s a line you don’t cross.” Max很愛往外仰欸。= = -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
nttu94310:連結裡面有照片喔~ 09/04 00:00
j54352860314:糟糕 什麼不學學到他媽的騷了... 09/04 00:01
as9595:真的很可愛耶!! 長的有像媽媽喔! 漂亮的時候~ 09/04 01:51
as9595:樓上好仔細喔!!! XDDDDD 09/04 01:51
Mystic666:對小餅乾無感~ 人家喜歡大餅乾 09/04 01:54
kouta:哈哈哈 09/04 09:34
rollin:Max跟小Brit一樣都很好動耶= = 小餅乾是什麼? 09/04 17:44
j54352860314:樓上好快就忘記burlesque的重點了!!!! 09/04 17:46
rollin:喔喔XDDD 正太控!! 魔爪都伸到小孩身上了 09/04 19:09
soarheart:跟媽媽好像~~ 09/04 19:51
light20735:burlesque重點是小克的替身很正啦! 09/04 20:23
light20735:Max有練過瑜珈嗎?怎麼這麼軟Q 09/04 20:26