精華區beta Christina 關於我們 聯絡資訊
大家知道Enimen的新單曲"The Real Slim Shady"裡 把一堆偶像團體噱得很慘嗎? 本來這是無可厚非啦 Blink-182也做過這種事 而且還蠻好玩的 但是呢 這次Enimen比較過火 歌詞裡有Aguilera performing a sex act on 林普巴茲提克樂團的Durst 還有MTV主持人Carson Daly Durst是覺得這件事情還好 因為畢竟都不是真的事情 ﹝他說【後面有點限制級】: "For one thing, it's not true, so it doesn't bother me. I really like that girl. I think she's an amazing singer. She's going to be one of those amazing icon women. I'm really attracted to her, I like her, and I've talked to her a couple of times, and that's that. I haven't had any type of relationship with her, or any type of intercourse with her. She's never sucked my dick, she's never sucked Carson's."﹞ 但Aguilera就很生氣了 她說"It's disgusting and offensive, and above all it's not true." 【以上英文資料取自NME網站 http://www.nme.com/newsdesk/20000428170158.html】 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.twbbs.org) ◆ From: