精華區beta Christina 關於我們 聯絡資訊
 *So the Christina Aguilera songs you wrote—for the record, how many will there be?  There are four of them. I think they’re called “I Am”—I called it “Lullaby” but she’s given it another name. But I think it’s called, um—[she starts singing]—oh, “All I Need”! And it’s “All I Need,” “You Lost Me,” “I Am” and something like “Stronger.” But I don’t think she called it “Stronger” in the end. That’s just what we called it. We just call it something while it’s in the working process and then she gives it it’s name. There are some where it totally lends itself to its name and there are others where it’s just like, “No, we had a song called ‘Fighter’ so we don’t want a song called ‘ Stronger.’” But they’re all on there. She’s pretty awesome. It was pretty crazy when she sang at me for the first time. 合作了四首歌 歌名應該都還是暫時的名稱; 1. I Am (好老套 濱崎步嗎 還是碧昂濕)(跟搖籃曲有關?) 2. All I Need 3. You Lost Me 4. Stronger  *Were there any songs you two recorded that didn’t make it on the album?  No, just those four songs. Then we did another one for her movie with Cher. So it’s been a really good collaboration, actually. We really got along great. We didn’t bin anything, which was good. 就只合作了四首,還有另一首是電影的,不過有雪兒亂入。 來源網頁裡有這個人的MV可以欣賞,難道X的樂風就是這樣嗎!? 這個人4月要發專輯,那X應該不會跟她對打吧我猜 所以是.. 反正我認定是暑假了 沒差~ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: kouta 來自: (03/10 17:59)
moo885588:馬的我要哭了 現在一點消息都沒有=3= 03/10 18:45
edwinchen:你最後一句讓我差點中風…@%&*=# 03/10 21:28
kouta:為何中風 03/10 22:05
edwinchen:誰要等到暑假啊!!!!!! (翻桌) 03/10 22:37
kAmeiFan:Sia很棒~我很喜歡她的音樂~但我不想等Bionic到暑假>< 03/11 22:52