精華區beta Christina 關於我們 聯絡資訊
From Marie Claire for those that didn't read the article. "Glam," "Bionic" and "Lullaby" are all songs listed in the new article... "Two are what she calls the 'fun songs': " Glam," a poppy, hip-hop inflected throwback to Madonna's "Vogue," which will most likely be the first single, and "Bionic," the addictive electronic title track... "Lullaby," a song she wrote for Max fills the womb-like room--her warm voice barely backed by accompaniment." 超級期待 首張單曲在接下來幾週隨時都會曝光!!! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
edwinchen:超級超級期待+1 01/05 11:57
StarShooting:好開心呀... 不曉得會是什麼新面貌和曲風! 01/05 13:49
moo885588:想聽安眠曲!!!!! 01/05 18:16
supremo:Can't wait to hear it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 01/05 19:22
kouta:有沒有 Ain't no Gaga, I Don't Know Her 01/05 20:27
moo885588:F.U.G.G.之類的嗎XDDD 01/05 21:31
kouta: L.G. 01/05 22:08
zzzzzken:我的血液又開始激昂了 01/06 00:12
huilin:終於~~ 01/06 14:10
hysteriablue:跟 Gaga一起翻唱beautiful liar好了XDDDD 01/06 15:52
kouta:why do beyonce 01/07 02:17
billychi:不要gaga 02/09 06:09