精華區beta Christina 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Rolling Stone: Spring Music Preview 2010 Christina Aguilera BIONIC SPRING LOWDOWN: On her fourth LP, Christina Aguilera didn't want to sound like herself. "I'm not interested in giving it this 'Christina' sound," she says. "I want to make my voice more relaxed, less soulful." So Aguilera invited synth-punk trio Le Tigre, Ladytron, singer Sia and M.I.A. producers Hill and Switch, among others, to her L.A. studio, where they cut tunes packed with futuristic synths and singsong chants. Aguilera got sentimental on "All I Need," a ballad written for her two-year-old son: "It's a sweet, sweet song." 在她第四個LP,瓶中精靈這次封起祂以往的聲音。 祂說,我不想再用精靈音唱歌了,我想讓自己的聲音解放,少點魂魄。 所以阿姬師邀請了yeah, you know who 到位於L.A.的錄音室。 阿姬師寫給她兩歲兒子的All I Need,是首會生螞蟻跟引起蛀牙的歌曲。 http://www.rollingstone.com/news/story/32513074/spring_music_preview_2010/7 "Burlesque" to wrap up filming soon & will be released Thanksgiving of this year. No official release date for "Bionic" yet. Stay tuned. 電影B快拍完了,今年感恩節可能會上映,音樂B沒消息。 http://twitter.com/XtinaNews/status/9887176681 結論: 等。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: kouta 來自: (03/05 01:42)
zzzzzken:所以下一張更有濃厚的JAZZ TONE囉 03/05 01:58
zzzzzken:表面上雖說是要慵懶式唱歌 但爆發力唱法無法駕馭自如了 03/05 02:00
kouta:喉嚨都長繭了吧 還有一堆痰之類的 (康熙來了) 03/05 02:05
chspfang:等吧等吧 03/05 10:29
chspfang:她現在哪裡來的精靈音 明明就是費翔的嗓音 03/05 10:30
kouta:你去聽聽阿拉丁裡面那個精靈的聲音 03/05 12:04
mitchell74:等 XD 03/05 15:02
moo885588:問個蠢問題.....什麼是LP?? 03/05 18:52
kouta:懶 03/05 18:55
zzzzzken:LP 唱片 03/05 20:13
moo885588:喔喔了解~扣打大教壞小孩XDDD 03/05 20:51
edwinchen:果然… 03/06 11:59
kouta:果然什麼要說完~~ 03/06 14:08
edwinchen:你做賊心虛啦!!我是說果然又延了…不意外(顯示為心死) 03/06 20:46
kouta:需要CPR嗎 03/06 21:13
edwinchen:直接簽器官捐贈同意書了啦 03/06 21:48
kouta:請把骨頭捐給我謝謝 03/07 00:13