精華區beta Christina 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Christina Aguilera's "Not Myself Tonight" enters the Hot 100 at #23 and Hot Digital Songs at #15. It's the first single from Bionic, her fourth regular studio album, which is due on June 8. Aguilera's first three regular studio albums all reached #1 or #2 on The Billboard 200. Aguilera has amassed eight top 10 hits on the Hot 100, stretching from her first single, 1999's "Genie In A Bottle," to 2008's "Keeps Gettin' Better." 在數位單曲榜拿下#15 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- NMT 的MV將在5月一日英國頻道播映… Xtina說 MV會 sexier than dirrty Christina Aguilera: Exclusive Exclusive first play of Christina Aguilera's brand new video. . Category: Music Pop & Rock Saturday 1st May at 10:00am on 4Music & Saturday 1st May at 11:45am on Channel 4 Saturday 1st May at 11:45am on Channel 4 HD http://www.itv.com/TVGuide/Search/de...ina%20Aguilera -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
edwinchen:文眼:sexier than dirrty!!!! 超期待!!! 04/22 13:52
supremo:BIG BIG EXPECTATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 04/22 14:21
moo885588:喔耶!!!!下周衝冠吧!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 04/22 18:42
forever36:衝冠不太可能…itunes下載排名一直倒退… 04/22 20:34
forever36:看MV推出後跟上歐普拉節目宣傳會不會推動銷售 04/22 20:35
light20735:sexier than dirrty~~只剩全裸的選項了吧 04/23 03:35
wellgod:KGB有拿到Top 10喔?? (完全一個狀況外...) 04/23 16:10
panism:我也很常 像是我不懂位什麼不羈夜是NMST(?) 04/23 17:13
moo885588:是不雞夜喔!!不是雞姐的夜晚XD 04/23 18:39
moo885588:KGB有拿到第七名 04/23 18:39
kouta:懇親假中 沒想到MV還沒出來 我要哭了!! (發燒中..) 04/24 18:49
anselsto:個人覺得KBG超好聽耶... 04/24 21:51
forever36:kouta去當兵了?新訓感冒都好不了… wish u luck 04/25 08:43
tommy770726:美國現在果然是電音王道 04/25 11:33
edwinchen:我新訓結束前中獎到專訓都好不了,拖了一個多月…超強病 04/25 12:13
edwinchen:毒,我本來是一年只會感冒一次的,進成功嶺就破功了 04/25 12:14
Keiwu:新訓裡的並毒都超強的~不知為啥~不生並的我也是一咳就一個月 04/25 13:09
moo885588:偏偏我不喜歡電音XD Soul and R&B!!!!! 04/25 13:33
gagabrit:雖說KGB也#7但也一周就退出Top10了,我對NMT頗擔心... 04/25 16:45
panism:我什麼類型都可以接受欸 04/25 17:17
panism:難怪好久都沒看到配額了 04/25 17:17
zzzzzken:kouta大哥 少了你上線我好落寞的耶 04/25 18:19
chspfang:啥 配額去當兵喔 04/25 18:58
kouta:こうただ、配額じゃないんだ 醫生說是扁桃腺發炎 會發燒幾天 04/26 10:43
kouta:那如果進去還發燒不就很慘 鑑測怎辦.. 04/26 10:43
billychi:請一定要撐到MV出來啊!!!K大!!! 04/30 06:39
panism:MV出來了哦配額 05/01 22:30