精華區beta Christina 關於我們 聯絡資訊
官網上發表了針對進來人家一直拿她跟卡卡比較的心得跟宣告: A NOTE FROM CHRISTINA AGUILERA Dear Fans, I would like to take a moment to clarify something that has been brought to my attention this morning. It is very easy for comments to be taken out of context and create unnecessary drama-especially between us women. So I would like to tell you all directly so my words can not be misconstrued to sell someone else’s story…I have absolutely nothing against Lady Gaga or any other female artist in this business. I think she is great, and I appreciate any woman fearless enough to go against the norm. She has earned her success with hard work and a clear focus and I have nothing but respect for that.There is room for all of us on everyone’s iPods. This is not the first time I have been unfairly pitted against another female artist but it will be the last time I comment on the matter. “Can’t hold us down….” With love, C/X 我其實還蠻希望牠們兩個合作的 不過看來萬一哪天兩人的聲望不如以往之後(並無詛咒之意 只是杞人優天先) 合作之事才可以拿來吵新聞 不過我個人認為整件事情都是阿肯在那邊瞎講 無論如何 雞姐果然是雞姐 畢竟bitch-tina不是叫假的!! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
reiuouo:說的真好:D 05/18 00:27
hikkiyo:女人長大了耶(XD) 05/18 00:34
puretd:感覺就很制式的官方新聞稿 05/18 00:43
kouta:近來啦 進來是要進去哪XD 05/18 00:56
LawrenceS:there is room for all of us on everyone's iPods. XD 05/18 01:04
Rfed:樓上那句很像在乞求。GaGa事件真的對這次專輯影響很深 05/18 01:18
as9595:有誰能說個大意嘛!!? 英文不好... 05/18 01:29
Mystic666:http://tieba.baidu.com/f?kz=773879457 05/18 02:10
Mystic666:百度有翻譯喔~ 05/18 02:10
kouta:是嗎= = 05/18 12:10
zzzzzken:小克從以前就很有禮貌阿 以不得罪其他藝人出名的 05/18 12:21
as9595:Bravo !! 小克說的太好了!! 不喜歡阿肯!!! 05/18 13:29
fendismiso:我覺得她根本不要回應啊!!!她有足夠的自信可以不需要回 05/18 15:06
fendismiso:應這件事!! 都出道這麼久了還栽在這種事情Orz 05/18 15:07
moo885588:我記得他以前說過一句話 我才不像那些在電視上裝處女的 05/18 18:11
moo885588:人一樣。 XD 05/18 18:11
moo885588:小克長大了啊~(遠目) 05/18 18:11
tommy770726:甜甜又重槍XDD 05/18 21:00
tommy770726:說的好!! 05/18 21:00
light20735:結果是小克跟記者不好~之前那句我不知道他男的女的感覺 05/18 22:23
light20735:說不定是記者捏造的 05/18 22:23