精華區beta Christina 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://0rz.tw/IunY7 Christina Aguilera and Jordan Bratman reportedly had an open marriage! A source tells RadarOnline.com Christina has a thing for girls, and would often bring them home—and Jordan knew about it! A unnamed woman says she was picked up by Christina’s bodyguard while at the Abbey in West Hollywood (a popular gay bar in LA). Christina Aguilera Files for Divorce! “I was at The Abbey one night when Christina’s bodyguard approached me,” says the woman. “He said, ‘My boss would really like you’ and pointed over to Christina.” She says Christina waved to her, but she was confused because her husband Jordan was at the bar with her. “The bodyguard told me it was an understanding within their marriage and that she brings girls home and Jordan ’s okay with it,” the source claims. “I met Christina in the bathroom and she told me she liked to play with girls. I ended up not pursuing anything with it because the situation just seemed so weird to me, but Christina was definitely looking to hook up.” Christina Aguilera Speaks Out About Split The source says it’s not the first time Aguilera has done this—she says, “ It’s funny because I had a couple girlfriends tell me that they were approached by Christina too.” “My understanding was that Jordan wasn’t involved when she brought girls home, so maybe the divorce is because Jordan’s jealousy got the best of him. ” Christina Aguilera’s rep has yet to comment. Talk about scandalous! You never know what’s going on behind closed doors! We agree that this probably had a little something to do with the divorce! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
moo885588:(大驚) 10/16 20:05
deanimn1:別篇標題也下的很重="= 但內容只是兩年前的老新聞 10/16 20:14
deanimn1:http://0rz.tw/1LrsO 10/16 20:16
carol10818:騙人騙人騙人騙人的(淚奔) 10/16 22:25
moo885588:樓樓上那新聞的意思是說這婚姻是場騙局醬? 10/16 22:27
pures1984:小克比較喜歡跟女孩兒玩 V_V 10/17 02:03