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Christina Aguilera Says Her AMA Performance Will Be A 'Spectacle' 'You're going to get quite the show,' she tells MTV News of performing a 'Burlesque' number at Sunday's show. The American Music Awards are known for their high-octane performances, and this year is no exception, with Taylor Swift, Miley Cyrus, Kid Rock, Justin Bieber, Katy Perry, Ke$ha, Pink, Usher, Ne-Yo, Diddy and more set to hit the stage. Christina Aguilera will also be performing, doing a number from her upcoming movie "Burlesque." When MTV News caught up with the Grammy winner/ movie newbie recently, while doing press with her hunky "Burlesque" co-star Cam Gigandet, we asked her what fans can expect from her AMA performance. "It's going to be fantastic," she said. "And it will give you a fitting little look inside the movie." Aguilera said her saucy, burlesque-style dancing will set her performance apart from past appearances. "It will be another very new challenge for me," Aguilera admitted. "My legs have been incredibly sore as I stepped into the role of Ali for this." In the film, Aguilera plays a small-town girl with big dreams — Ali — who stumbles on a burlesque club owned by the feisty Tess (Cher). Aguilera added that, while re-learning the dance routines was grueling, the choreography is amazing. "You're going to get quite the show," she promised. "Quite the spectacle." While Aguilera is new to the world of acting, Cher told MTV News that the pop star can dish it out with the best of them. "The scenes that she and I had together, I really enjoyed, and I really believe that she's got definite chops," she said. "We worked well together. I enjoyed all of it, and she was toe-to-toe with me the whole time." What are you expecting from Christina's AMA performance? Let us know in the comments! http://www.mtv.com/news/articles/1652631/20101118/aguilera_christina.jhtml 有影片! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
edwinchen:怎麼越來越胖!!!! 好像肥咪 囧 不過人家阿咪是懷孕耶 11/21 13:02
edwinchen:這漢草完全是她生產前後大脹奶上ellen show的樣子吧 11/21 13:04
edwinchen:究竟是失婚暴食體重失控還是的海闊天空,心寬體胖??? 囧 11/21 13:05
tenoe:新專輯要來了!!!(喂) 11/21 14:21
moo885588:原來她根本沒去縮胸(好失望XD) 11/21 18:48
tommy770726:離肥咪境界還很遠吧 來本板參觀一下就會發現她很瘦啦 11/21 20:19
tommy770726:胖一點聲音都會比較猛 為了聲音還是放棄身材吧 11/21 20:21
tommy770726:好期待她接下來的現場表演 11/21 20:21
hysteriablue:反正也不是第一遭了,比之前髒髒(dirty?)的樣子好了 11/22 09:34
chester1126:表演的...漢草...真的有點嚇人= = 11/22 11:16
chester1126:讓我想起了brit先前vma的gimme more == 11/22 11:17
billychi:dirrty才對 11/24 21:00