精華區beta Coffee 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ 引述《referee (284&220)》之銘言: ※ 引述《ultimachen (Ultima)》之銘言: http://kaffee.netfirms.com/Coffee/SCAASpecCofDef.html Specialty Coffee The Definition of Specialty Coffee by Don Holly, Administrative Director, SCAA 就我的了解,"精品咖啡"這個詞是由Knutsen Coffee的Erna Knutsen在1798年 法國Montreuil的國際咖啡會議上的演講所創造。基本上,這個概念相當簡單:特殊的 風土條件創造出獨一風味的咖啡豆,稱之為"精品(特殊)咖啡"。在這名稱的概念下, 精品咖啡的基本前提是"經過妥善處理的、新鮮烘焙的、適度淬取的"。這是在她演講之前 二十年間在咖啡工業漸漸展開的工藝。SCAA持續定義這個詞的特殊性。我們的工作則是 透過會員的活動持續推廣這個定義。 精品咖啡由咖啡的最源頭開始,在世界上特定的區域種植特定的品種。阿拉比卡的某些 品種非常適合產生精品咖啡。有些品種也許永遠不能。一般品種的Typica跟Bourbon, 最近Catuai的變種跟其他相關的變種是最適點用來產生精品咖啡。Robusta系似乎總是 在風味上顯得較短。但精品咖啡並不僅僅如此。生長不佳、欠收、或是不當處理的Typica 或Bourbon同樣在杯測時表現極差。精品咖啡的概念並須包含咖啡樹的照養及出品前的 準備。同樣的,有些地區證明了產出最佳咖啡豆的能力,因為其高度、緯度、土壤及 其他特點。其他地區則沒有表現出這樣的能力。 生豆分級表由SCAA的Ted Lingle所製作。幾年來清楚地定義了精品咖啡在生豆期的標準: 沒有缺陷的咖啡(豆)並且在杯測時有可辨識的特色。"premium"這個等級略低於精品咖啡, 使這個概念更清楚。特級咖啡同樣是沒有基本缺陷的咖啡,但不一定要有可辨識的特色。 這個澄清,幫助精品咖啡在其特殊性有更多著墨。精品咖啡並不僅僅是好喝的咖啡, 而是為了其特殊性,它必須是顯著地好。 ============================================================================= ※ 引述《referee (284&220)》之銘言: ※ 引述《ultimachen (Ultima)》之銘言: http://kaffee.netfirms.com/Coffee/SCAASpecCofDef.html Specialty Coffee The Definition of Specialty Coffee by Don Holly, Administrative Director, SCAA 就我的了解,"精品咖啡"這個詞是由Knutsen Coffee的Erna Knutsen在1798年 法國Montreuil的國際咖啡會議上的演講所創造。基本上,這個概念相當簡單:特殊的 風土條件創造出獨一風味的咖啡豆,稱之為"精品(特殊)咖啡"。在這名稱的概念下, 精品咖啡的基本前提是"經過妥善處理的、新鮮烘焙的、適度淬取的"。這是在她演講之前 二十年間在咖啡工業漸漸展開的工藝。SCAA持續定義這個詞的特殊性。我們的工作則是 透過會員的活動持續推廣這個定義。 精品咖啡由咖啡的最源頭開始,在世界上特定的區域種植特定的品種。阿拉比卡的某些 品種非常適合產生精品咖啡。有些品種也許永遠不能。一般品種的Typica跟Bourbon, 最近Catuai的變種跟其他相關的變種是最適點用來產生精品咖啡。Robusta系似乎總是 在風味上顯得較短。但精品咖啡並不僅僅如此。生長不佳、欠收、或是不當處理的Typica 或Bourbon同樣在杯測時表現極差。精品咖啡的概念並須包含咖啡樹的照養及出品前的 準備。同樣的,有些地區證明了產出最佳咖啡豆的能力,因為其高度、緯度、土壤及 其他特點。其他地區則沒有表現出這樣的能力。 生豆分級表由SCAA的Ted Lingle所製作。幾年來清楚地定義了精品咖啡在生豆期的標準: 沒有缺陷的咖啡(豆)並且在杯測時有可辨識的特色。"premium"這個等級略低於精品咖啡, 使這個概念更清楚。特級咖啡同樣是沒有基本缺陷的咖啡,但不一定要有可辨識的特色。 這個澄清,幫助精品咖啡在其特殊性有更多著墨。精品咖啡並不僅僅是好喝的咖啡, 而是為了其特殊性,它必須是顯著地好。 The next phase is roasting, and here is where there is a lot of opportunity in our industry to continually define specialty. The SCAA Roast Color Classification System developed with noted industry scientist Carl Staub gave us a valuable measure for controlling roast development. Still, every coffee in combination with every roaster has a potential to express itself in a way that will be most satisfying for every customer. Bringing out a coffee's distinctive character is the roastmaster's challenge and if they come close to succeeding then it is still specialty if it started out in the green form as specialty. A roaster cannot take a coffee beyond the potential it contained when it came off the tree and was processed; but they can certainly fail to bring it close. 接著進入烘培的階段. 在這個階段我們的產業有更多機會持續地來定義"精品". 由知名的 咖啡科學家Carl Staub幫忙研發的SCAA咖啡烘培分級制度使我們在控制烘培程度上有了 可靠的標準. 但不同烘培者仍然有空間, 為滿足不同的顧客而對不同的咖啡做處理. 烘培 師最大的挑戰便是使一種咖啡顯著的特性表現出來. 只要生豆是符合精品的原則, 那就算 烘培師沒有完全烘出, 還是可以算精品咖啡. 生豆的潛力在於摘採和處理; 烘培者無法帶 出潛力之外的東西, 但絕對能連潛力也帶不出來. In roasted coffee, most agree freshness is part of the definition for specialty. The consensus breaks down in attempting to develop guidelines for freshness. At SCAA, we are concerned that there are no established technical standards for evaluating this facet of coffee quality. While our Retail Roaster members focus on the issue of time-maintaining a 3 to 7 day window is optimum for best results-many of our Wholesale Roaster members contend that today's packaging technology greatly expands this period of time into weeks or even months. Beyond the issue of "who is right" in this debate lies the more compelling question of "how do we decide." In order to find consensus on the first question, we have to reach agreement on the second. It is true that good coffee, well-roasted, and packaged in conditions that prevent oxidation, will brew up a flavorful cup of coffee. The scientific question is whether the packaging can retain the aromatic properties of the coffee that helped make it "special". My experience as a Retail Roaster suggests that "while the tongue may tell, only the nose knows for certain." Therefore, if the coffee is not highly aromatic then it no longer deserves to be called "specialty." The important job for SCAA is to quantify this aspect of quality into a good technical standard. This won't be an easy task. 多數的人都同意, 熟豆是否新鮮是其是否為精品的定義之一. 但在評斷新鮮度的準則上 並沒有共識. SCAA也注意到, 在這個面向上, 並沒有一套確立的技術標準來衡量咖啡的 品質. 我們的零售烘培會員認為3-7天的保存期能有最好的表現, 而許多量販烘培會員則 堅持, 現今的包裝技術能將保存期大幅延長到數星期甚至數月之久. 在"誰才是對的"的 爭論背後, 更令人關切的問題是"我們如何來決定". 我們要能在後者上取得一致, 才能 在前者上取得共識. 這是一個科學問題: 這些包裝是否能保持咖啡"特殊"的香氣? 作為 一個零售烘培者, 我的經驗認為, "用舌頭或許可以分辨, 但用鼻子才能確定." 因此, 當咖啡不再充滿香氣, 它就不應該被稱為"精品". SCAA的重要工作變是在這個方面將品質 量化, 進而使成為一個好的技術標準. 這個任務並不容易. Then there is the brewing phase. There are many ways in which you can extract the most flavorful soluble materials of roasted coffee into water, and they are best-organized into methods of how the water moves. Steeping methods like the French Press give a different flavor of beverage than drip methods or espresso, even when you use the same coffee. All are capable of brewing beverages that can qualify as specialty coffee, but only if done correctly. The right recipe of coffee to water, the right grind suited to the method and the coffee's physical characteristics, the proper water temperature and contact time, a good preparation of the coffee "bed" or "cake" are all fundamentals that must be satisfied to produce a specialty cup of coffee. For example, I believe that it takes at least 100 hours, or the preparation of at least 1,000 shots of espresso, under demanding tutelage, before anyone should consider themselves anything more than a trainee-barista. It takes several hours of trial and testing before any combination of brewer and grinder is fit to brew a Golden Cup. Unfortunately, many coffee companies do not allocate enough investment in training and quality control to meet the standards for brewing specialty coffee. 接下來是沖煮的階段. 有許多的方法可以將熟豆中最具風味的可溶性物質萃取到水中, 我們可以以水移動的方式來將其做最好的分類. 浸泡法, 如法國壓, 在正確的沖煮下出來 的咖啡味道會和滴漏法或義式的不一樣, 即便用的是一樣的咖啡. 正確的豆子和水, 依沖 煮方式和豆子物理特性做適當的研磨,適當的水溫和萃取時間, 充足的咖啡"床"和"蛋糕" 的準備 (哪位高手可以解釋一下??) 這些都是沖煮一杯精品咖啡時所需要滿足的基本條件. 例如說, 我相信一個人要成為受過 良好訓練的barista, 至少要在嚴格的輔導下100小時, 或1000次義式機的操作經驗. 要找 出能做出金杯的烘培和沖煮方式組合也需要數小時的時間. 不幸地是, 許多咖啡業者在訓 練和品管上的投入並不夠, 不足以達到精品咖啡的標準. There are some great stories and marvelous promotions out there in our industry from people claiming that they have the "best" coffee, and that they work hard to produce specialty coffee. It does take a lot of work to produce specialty, and it is not always tangibly clear (especially to the managing accountants and financial investors) that the customers can tell the difference. There is sometimes a tendency to rely more upon telling a good story and creating a good promotion than putting out all of the effort that is required to offer specialty coffee consistently. But, it is my opinion that those who will succeed in the long term, building a loyal clientele and generating a healthy and sustainable return on investment for their company, are going to be the ones who are spending more attention and resources on training and quality control than they are on marketing. Check the financial statements. If expenditures on advertising and marketing are greater than on training and quality control, what is being sold? I would suggest that it is probably not specialty coffee. 這一行裡有很多人聲稱他們有"最好的"咖啡, 他們非常努力地追求精品咖啡, 造就了許多 傳說和了不起的口碑. 要做出精品咖啡的確需要很多努力, 而顧客並不總能分辨出差異 (對管理會計師和金融投資者來說尤是). 比起宣傳為了穩定提供精品咖啡所做的一切努力, 這一行有的時候更傾向於依賴創造好的故事和好的口碑. 但我的看法是, 那些在訓練與 品管上比在行銷上投入更多心思和資源的, 從長遠來看才會成功, 從其為顧客的投資上, 建立忠實的顧客群而得到健康而持久的回報. 看看財務報表就知道了. 如果在廣告和行銷 上的花費比在訓練和品管上多, 那他們賣的到底是啥? 我想很可能不是精品咖啡吧. Specialty coffee is, in the end, defined in the cup. It takes many steps to deliver that cup into the customers' hands. Each of those steps can uphold the classification of specialty if quality has been maintained throughout all the preceding steps. Given all of the effort that it takes to produce specialty coffee, and given how pleasurable such a cup can be, we should all jealously guard our definition for it, protect its meaning and credibility, and only use the word specialty when it is worth it. 精品咖啡終究是在杯子裡決定的. 在送到顧客的手裡之前, 需要很多的步驟. 在品質 從頭到尾每一步都有維持住的情況下, 其中每一個步驟都符合精品的等級. 在知道做精品 咖啡所需要的努力, 還有一杯精品咖啡可以多令人愉悅之後, 我們都應該驕傲地捍衛我們 自己給它的定義, 保護它所代表的意義和可信度, 並且只在值得的時候才去用這個詞. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
gashchou:認真..推一個.. 02/08 10:39