精華區beta CrossStrait 關於我們 聯絡資訊
if you are in twenties but dont believe taiwan independence, then you dont have a heart and are lack of passion. if you are in thirties and still believe taiwan is a independent country, you are out of mind. I need a sleep and then package up my stuff for my golden week trip. take your time blaming me... have fun.... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
jerjeo:you are a fool. 推 05/01
jerjeo:lack of international vision 推 05/01
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------- < 作者: Geigemachen (reverie of cavalry) 看板: CrossStrait 標題: Re: To taiwan folks 時間: Wed Apr 28 05:18:38 2004 During this week, please educate yourself with politeness and international senses... Anyone declares unrealistic claims as you will be also blamed and set into flames by the international society.. ※ 引述《DemoCrazy (NULL)》之銘言: : if you are in twenties but dont believe taiwan independence, : then you dont have a heart and are lack of passion. : if you are in thirties and still believe taiwan is a independent : country, you are out of mind. : I need a sleep and then package up my stuff for my golden week trip. : take your time blaming me... have fun.... -- Ich bin viele und wir sind eins. 吾者眾,眾者一。 Deo gratias Anglia redde pro victoria! 是天主讓英軍得到勝利! Sed quis custodiet ipso custodes? 守衛要由誰來守衛? -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- < 作者: beckli (dsf) 看板: CrossStrait 標題: Re: To taiwan folks 時間: Wed Apr 28 05:19:28 2004 So, why do you still in the Communist Party? If you are above 30? Oh, there's no choice for you, sorry, I forget~ There's only 1 actual political party in China, nice~ -- Fate Goes Ever Fate Must~ Beowulf Dulce et Decorum est Pro Patria Mori -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- < 作者: tft897 (...) 看板: CrossStrait 標題: Re: To taiwan folks 時間: Wed Apr 28 05:44:25 2004 ※ 引述《DemoCrazy (NULL)》之銘言: : if you are in twenties but dont believe taiwan independence, : then you dont have a heart and are lack of passion. 有沒有人幫我翻譯一下這句話是三米咚咚~? 看沒有懂 還有阿...每個人不都有ㄧ顆心臟嗎~? : if you are in thirties and still believe taiwan is a independent : country, you are out of mind. ..... 那所以不想瘋的話,就要相信台灣是個 dependent country : I need a sleep and then package up my stuff for my golden week trip. : take your time blaming me... have fun.... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- < 作者: Geigemachen (reverie of cavalry) 看板: CrossStrait 標題: Re: To taiwan folks 時間: Wed Apr 28 06:16:27 2004 ※ 引述《tft897 (...)》之銘言: : ※ 引述《DemoCrazy (NULL)》之銘言: : : if you are in twenties but dont believe taiwan independence, : : then you dont have a heart and are lack of passion. : 有沒有人幫我翻譯一下這句話是三米咚咚~? : 看沒有懂 好像是說年輕人衝動才喜歡台獨? 不過看他的立場,似乎是”多了或少了”一個not.. 本來想教人反台獨,反而變成肯定年輕人講台獨了.. : 還有阿...每個人不都有ㄧ顆心臟嗎~? 可能DemoCrazy多了一科吧... : : if you are in thirties and still believe taiwan is a independent : : country, you are out of mind. : ..... : : I need a sleep and then package up my stuff for my golden week trip. : : take your time blaming me... have fun.... -- -- ▽×E=-δB/δt ∮E‧dl=-d(∮B‧ds)/dt ▽×H=J+δD/δt ∮H‧dl=I+d(∮D‧ds)/dt ▽‧D=ρ ∮D‧ds=Q ▽‧B=0 ∮B‧ds=0 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
rockey:人家說年輕人愛國, 中年人認清現實... -_- 推 04/28
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------- < 作者: DemoCrazy (NULL) 站內: CrossStrait 標題: Re: To taiwan folks 時間: Wed Apr 28 07:04:07 2004 剛down了一個tera term,可以讓我寫中文不用掉線,開心~~~~ 吶,我的意思很簡單, 二十來歲時,要是不鼓吹台獨,肯定是一個沒有激情的人。 (年輕少不更事,一沖動愛上了台獨,沒問題,誰都有青春激盪的年代嘛) 如果都已經三十而立了,還繼續崇拜台獨,腦袋就有發熱嫌疑了。 can you guys read my post in Chinese correctly? @_@ ※ 引述《Geigemachen (reverie of cavalry)》之銘言: : ※ 引述《tft897 (...)》之銘言: : : 有沒有人幫我翻譯一下這句話是三米咚咚~? : : 看沒有懂 : 好像是說年輕人衝動才喜歡台獨? : 不過看他的立場,似乎是”多了或少了”一個not.. : 本來想教人反台獨,反而變成肯定年輕人講台獨了.. : : 還有阿...每個人不都有ㄧ顆心臟嗎~? : 可能DemoCrazy多了一科吧... : : ..... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: